Buildings erected before 1871 were products of the brick mason and carpenter. The architects at the time were hired for higher integrity and for adding embellishments to the building.
Chicagology has the largest on-line collection of Pre-Chicago Fire images in the world.
116-118 Randolph street, Randolph, between Dearborn and Clark
A.M.N. Express Office, NW corner Dearborn and Lake
1856—New Buildings
1857—New Buildings
Academy of Design, Adams, between State and Dearborn.
Academy of Music I, Washington, between Clark and Dearborn
Adam’s House I, NW corner Lake and Michigan
Aetna Building. LaSalle, between Madison and Washington
Aiken’s Museum, North side of Randolph street between Clark and Dearborn streets
A. H. Andrews & Co., 111 State street
Andrew’s building, La Salle, between Madison and Monroe.
Andrews & Otis’ building, Clark, bet. Monroe and Adams.
Arcade Building, Clark, between Madison and Monroe
Armory Police Court, SW corner Franklin and Adams
Armour Building I, NE corner. Michigan ave. and Randolph st.
Artesian Wells
Avenue House, NW Corner of Wabash avenue and Twenty-second street
Barnes House, SW corner Randolph and Canal
Julius Bauer Pianos, Clark near Washington
G. T. Belding Building, Randolph, near Dearborn
Berlin Block, NW corner State and Monroe
Bigelow Hotel, SW corner Adams and Dearborn
William Blair & Co., Near NE corner of Randolph and Wells
Blake’s building, Washington, bet. Fifth avenue and Franklin.
Rufus Blanchard, 146 Lake street
E. W. Blatchford & Chicago Shot Tower Co., SW corner of Clinton and Fulton
Board of Trade I , South Water Street near Wells
Bookseller’s Row , State, between Washington and Madison
Boone Block I, La Salle, between Washington and Madison.
Bowen Brothers , Lake Street Between Wabash and Michigan Avenues
Bowen Brothers Building, SE corner Wabash and Randolph
Bradner Smith, South Water, between Dearborn and Clark
Mr. Brand’s Temple of Art, Washington, between Wabash and State
Brigg’s House, NE corner Wells and Randolph – Not Destroyed
Brighton Driving Park
Brunswick & Co. Manufactory, Randolph, between State and Dearborn
Bryan block, corner La Salle and Monroe.
Bryan’s Hall Clark street, across from Courthouse.
Buck and Rayner Building SW corner State and Madison
Bull’s Head Tavern, West Madison street, Ogden avenue, and Ashland avenue.
Burch Block I, Nos. 33 to 47 Lake Street
BurchBlock II, NE corner Lake and Wabash
Burke’s European Hotel, Madison, between La Sale and Clark
Calhoun’s block, Clark, between Washington and Madison.
Calvary Cemetery, Evanston, IL
Camp Douglas, Thirty-first Street and Cottage Grove Avenue
Carbutt’s Photography Studios
Carbutt’s Panorama
Carbutt’s Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men of Chicago
Carson, Pirie & Co.
Central Block, NE corner Market and Washington
Central House.
Chamber of Commerce I , SE corner LaSalle and Washington
Chapin Wood Yard, 12th and Clark Streets
Chicago City Directories—1844-1871
Chicago Crib
Chicago Gas Light and Coke Co., Corner Monroe and Market streets
Chicago House of Correction (The Bridewell), 26th and California
Chicago Historical Society I, SE corner N. Dearborn & Ontario
Chicago Central High School, Monroe Street near Halsted
Chicago City Parks
Chicago Clearing House Association, 82 Dearborn street.
Chicago Magazine – A six-issue publication about Chicago.
Chicago Name Origin
Chicago Orphan Asylum
Chicago Shot Tower Co.
Chicago Times I, Dearborn, between Washington and Madison.
Chicago Tribune I, Dearborn, SE cor. Madison
Chicago University, 34th and Cottage Grove
Chicago’s Elevators
Chicago’s Suburbs
Church, Goodman & Donnelley, Dearborn, near Washington
Church of the Holy Family, Twelfth Street
City Armory, SW corner Adams and Franklin
City Gas Works, corner Monroe and Market
City Hotel, SE corner State and Lake
City National Bank, 156 Washington street.
City Water Works, corner Chicago and Pine
Clarendon House
Clarke School, 13th Street and Reuben (Ashland)
Clark Street Methodist Episcopal Church, SW corner Clark and Washington Streets
Cleveland House, corner Clark and Kinzie
Clifton House, SE corner Madison and Wabash
Coan & Ten Broeke Carriage, Northwest corner of Randolph and Ann streets
Cobb, Pritchard & Co., Lake street, between State and Dearborn
S. B. Cobb’s Block, SE corner Lake and Michigan.
Cobb’s Block, Washington, between Clark and Dearborn.
Cobb’s Building, Dearborn, bet. Washington and Madison.
Cobb’s Block, corner Lake and Wabash
Cochrane House, 228 S. Canal
Collins & Kessler’s Mourning Store, SE corner State and Madison
Colored School/a>, Rented building, corner of Fourth Avenue and Taylor street.
Commercial Building, corner La Salle and Lake.
Commercial Loan Company, 44 North Clark street.
Commercial Insurance Company’s Building, Washington, between La Salle and Fifth avenue.
Commercial National Bank Building, East side of Dearborn street, between Randolph street and the Tremont House
Cooley, Farwell & Co., NE Corner Wabash Avenue and Benton Place (Wabash, Between Lake and Randolph)
Courthouse I, SE corner of Lake and Clark streets,
Courthouse II NE corner of LaSalle and Randolph Streets.
Courthouse III State street, between Randolph and Lake streets
Courthouse IV Randolph and Washington, between Clark and LaSalle
Crane Brothers Manufacturing Co.,
Crosby’s Building, State, bet. Randolph and Washington.
Crosby Opera House , Washington, between Dearborn and State
Culver, Page & Hoyne Building
Custom House and Post Office, NW corner Dearborn and Monroe
Dearborn House, NW Corner Lake Street and Michigan Avenue
Dearborn Observatory, University of Chicago
Dearborn Park
Dearborn School No. 1
Dearborn Street Theatre
De Haven Block, Dearborn, between Quincy and Jackson.
Depository Building, Randolph, bet. Clark and La Salle.
Dickey’s Building, corner Dearborn and Lake.
Dole’s Building, South Water street, NW corner Clark.
Downer & Bemis Brewing Co., 24th and South Park
Drake and Farwell Block, corner Wabash and Washington
John H. Dunham Mansion
Eagle Jewelry Store, NE cor. Clark and Madison
Early Street Maps of Chicago
Edward Ely, Tailor
European Hotel, SW corner State and Lake
Evening Post, Dearborn, between Washington and Madison
Everett House
Ewing block, North Clark, bet. North Water and Kinzie.
Exchange Bank, SW corner Lake and Clark.
Farwell Hall I, Madison, near SW corner Clark
Federal Savings Bank and Safe Depository I, NE Corner of State and Randolph Streets
Field, Leiter & Co. I, NE corner State and Washington
Fifth National Bank, NW corner Clark and Dearborn.
Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Company (Babcock), 315-323 South Desplaines Street
First Baptist Church I, SE corner Washington and LaSalle
First Baptist Church II, SE corner Washington and LaSalle
First Baptist Church III, SW corner Wabash and Hubbard Court Streets
First National Bank of Chicago I, SW Corner Lake and Clark
First National Bank of Chicago II, SW corner State and Washington
Flander’s Block, foot South Water
Fort Dearborn
Foster House, NE corner Kinzie and Clark
Fourth National Bank, southeast corner Dearborn and Washington streets.
Franklin School No. 5 Division and Sedgwick.
Frink & Walker Stage Offices, Dearborn and Lake streets
Fry’s Building, La Salle, bet. Washington and Randolph.
Fullerton’s Block, NW corner Washington and Dearborn.
Galena and Chicago Union Railroad North Side Depot, N. Wells cor N. Water
Galena and Chicago Union Railroad West Side Depot, Kinzie and Canal streets
Gallup building, corner La Salle and Madison.
Gambler’s Row
Gault House
Garrett Block I, SE corner Randolph and State.
German Haus
1848—Goose Island (Kilgubbin)
Gottfried Brewery Company
Gowen Block, 146, 148, 150 and 152 N. Water
Graceland Cemetery
Grace Methodist Church, NW corner Chicago and LaSalle
(Grand) Pacific Hotel I, corner Clark and Quincy.
Great Central Depot
Green Tree Tavern, Northeast Corner of Lake and Canal Streets, moved to Southeast Corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Fulton Street in the fall of 1880.
Hale Block I SE Corner of Washington and State Streets
Hall, Kimbark & Co., SE Corner Michigan and Lake
Hartford Fire Insurance building, La Salle, between Randolph and Lake.
Hatch House I, Wells street between Kinzie and North Water street
Haven School, Wabash avenue, north of Sixteenth street
Healy Slough
C. M. Henderson, Michigan Avenue and Lake Street
J. B. Hennegen Confectionery, 17 Clark
Henry B. Clarke House
Hesler Panorama
Hibernian Savings Bank, Southwest corner of Lake and Clark
Hooley’s Opera House
Holt’s building, Washington, bet. La Salle and Fifth ave.
Holy Name Cathedral I, State and Superior
Honoré Block I, Dearborn, between Monroe and Adams
Hotel May, Wells near Randolph
Hought House, Union Stock Yards
Huck’s Brewery, State and Scott
Illinois Central Depot
Illinois Central Land Department building, Michigan avenue, between Lake and South Water.
Iron Blocks, North: Nos. 34-52 Lake; South: 43-55 Lake
Jevne and Almini, 101 Washington near Clark (1862-1865); 152-154 Clark, between Madison and Monroe (1865-1871)
Keeps’ Building, Clark, between Madison and Monroe.
Kendall Block I & II
Kent’s Building, No. 153 Monroe.
1848—Kilgubbin (Goose Island)
King’s Block, NW corner Washington and Dearborn
King’s Opera House
Kingsbury Block, 115-117 Dearborn
Kinzie School No. 4 Corner of Ohio and La Salle.
James S. Kirk & Company INorth River Street
Knight’s Block, Dearborn and Harrison
Lake House, N. Rush and E. Hubbard
Lakeside Building, corner Adams and Clark.
Larmon Block, NE corner Clark and Washington
LaSalle Street Tunnel
Lill & Diversey’s Brewery, Pine and Chicago streets
Lincoln block, corner Lake and Franklin.
Lincoln House, NE corner Canal and Randolph streets
Lind’s Block, corners Randolph and Lake and Market
Link’s Block, corner La Salle and Lake.
Lloyd’s Block, corner Randolph and Fifth avenue.
Lombard Block, corner Monroe and Custom House place, between Clark and Dearborn.
Loomis Block, SW corner Clark and South Water.
Lord & Smith I, Lake street
Lumberman’s Exchange, corner South Water and Franklin.
Mackin’s building, State, between Madison and Monroe.
Magie’s building, SW corner La Salle and Randolph.
Mahlon D. Ogden’s Home, Dearborn, between Oak and Whitney – Not Destroyed
Major Block I, SE corner LaSalle and Madison
Marine Bank Building, NE corner Lake and LaSalle
Marine Hospital, parade-ground of Fort Dearborn reservation (Rineon Point)
Masonic Temple, 83 and 85 Dearborn Street
Massasoit House, SW corner South Water and Central
Matteson House I, NW corner Dearborn and Randolph
Joseph Matteson Residence Corner South Water and Michigan Ave
McCarthy Building, SE corner Clark and Randolph.
McCarthy’s Building, corner Dearborn and Washington.
McCormick’s Building, corner Michigan and Lake
McCormick Reaper and Mower Company I, North bank of the Chicago River, east of Rush Street Bridge
McKee’s building, corner Wabash ave. and Randolph.
McVicker’s Theatre I & II, Madison, between State and Dearborn
Mechanical Bakery, Clinton Street, near Lake
Mechanics’ Building, Washington, bet. La Salle and Fifth ave.
Edward Mendel—Lithographer, Engraver & Printer, Various Locations
Mercantile Building, La Salle, bet. Madison and Washington.
Merchants’ Farmers Savings Bank
Merchants’ Hotel, NW corner State and Washington
Merchants’ Hotel, La Salle, between Lake and South Water.
Merchant’s Insurance building, Calumet Ave between 25th and 26th streets
Mercy Hospital, NW corner of LaSalle and Washington Streets
Methodist Church block, corner Clark and Washington.
Metropolitan Hall, NW corner Randolph and LaSalle
Metropolitan Hotel, SW corner Randolph and Wells
Michigan Avenue Hotel, SW corner Michigan Ave and Congress
Michigan Southern Depot , SW corner LaSalle and Van Buren
Michigan Terrace, Michigan, between Congress and Van Buren
Monroe Building, Clark, northeast corner Monroe
Morrison Block I & II, SE corner of Madison and Clark
Morrison Building, 121-133 Clark street, between Madison and Washington
Mosher Gallery
Mourning Store, SE corner State and Madison
Mutual Life of Chicago, Fifth avenue, between Washington and Randolph.
Nevada Hotel, SW Corner of Franklin and Washington Streets
Newberry Block, North Wells street, NE corner Kinzie
Newberry School No. 11, Corner of Orchard and Willow.
Nicolson Pavement
Nixon Building, NE corner LaSalle and Monroe – Not Destroyed
Nixon’s Exchange, SW corner Clark and Washington
North Presbyterian Church, Cass and Indiana streets
North’s Amphitheater, Monroe, near Wells
Norton Block, Nos. 136 and 138 South Water.
Oak Woods Cemetery
October 7, 1871 Fire.
Ogden Hotel, Quincy and Jackson, between Clark and LaSalle
Ogden School No. 10, Corner of Chestnut and Wolcott.
O’Brien’s Art Emporium, 51 State street
Old Board of Trade buildings, South Water, between La Salle and Fifth ave.
Olympic Theatre
Open Board building, Madison, bet. Clark and La Salle.
Orient House
Oriental Building, La Salle, bet. Washington and Madison.
Otis Block, corner Madison and La Salle.
Otis Building, corner State and Madison.
Palmer Blocks, State street, south of Washington
Palmer’s Dry Goods & Carpets, Lake Street Between Dearborn and Clark
Palmer House I, NE corner Wabash and Quincy
Pardee’s building, corner South Water and Fifth ave.
Park Row, Michigan venue near 16th Street
Phoenix Building, La Salle, bet. Randolph and Washington.
Bennett Pieters & Co., 31 and 33 Michigan av., Michigan av. between South Water Street and the River
Plymouth Congregational Church (St. Mary’s Church), SE corner Wabash and Eldridge court.
Pomeroy’s building, No. 160 South Water, near Clark
Pope’s block, Madison, between Clark and La Salle.
Portland’s Block I, SE corner Dearborn and Washington
Post Office Building, Dearborn, between Madison and Monroe
Potter Palmer’s Dry Goods Store
Prairie Farmer Building, Monroe, between, Dearborn and Clark.
Printer’s Row Building, NE Corner La Salle and Randolph Streets.
Purple Block, corner North Clark and Ontario.
Putnam’s Eastern Clothing Emporium, Randolph, between Dearborn and Clark
Raising of Chicago
Rand McNally & Co.
Raymond block, NW corner State and Madison.
Republic Life Building I, La Salle, between Madison and Monroe.
Revere House, NE corner Kinzie and Clark
Reynolds’ Block, SW corner Dearborn and Madison
Rice’s Building, 74 to 81 Dearborn.
Rice Theatres I and II
Richmond House, NW corner South Water and Michigan
Robbins Building I, SE Corner Wells and South Water Streets
Roger’s Barracks, SE corner of Wells and Monroe
Rosehill Cemetery
W. M. Ross Company, 167 & 169 Lake street
Rush Medical College, Dearborn and Indiana
Julian Rumsey Mansion, Rush and Huron streets
Saddlers, Lake Street
Scammon’s Building, corner Randolph and Michigan ave.
Scammon School No. 3, Madison Between Hasted and Desplaines
Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Co., Canal Port and 18th Streets
Peter Schuttler Wagon Works,
Peter Schuttler’s Mansion, Corner Aberdeen and Adams streets
Second Baptist Church, SE corner of Morgan and Monroe streets
Second Presbyterian Church, NE Corner of Washington and Wabash
Shepard’s Block I, SE corner Dearborn and Monroe
Sherman House I & II NW corner Clark and Randolph
Shreve Building, Washington, between Dearborn and Clark
Smith & Nixon Music Hall, SW corner of Clark and Washington streets
Soldiers Home
South Water Street
Speed’s Block, Dearborn. between Washington and Madison
Staats Zeitung building, Madison, bet. Dearborn and Clark.
Stanton & Co.
State Savings Institution I, La Salle, between Washington and Randolph
Steam’s building, Washington, bet. La Salle and Fifth ave.
Stearn’s Building, Washington, between LaSalle and Fifth Avenue
Steel’s block, corner La Salle and and South Water.
Stein’s “The City of Paris”, Clark street
Stewart House, NW corner State and Washington
St Ignatius College Prep
St. James’ Episcopal Church, Corner Huron and Cass
St. James Hotel, NW corner State and Washington
St. Mary’s Church,
St. Patrick’s Church, Desplaines and Adams
St. Paul’s Universalist Church, NW corner Wabash ave and Van Buren street
Stone’s Building, Madison, between Clark and La Salle.
Sugar Refinery, N. Water, East of Rush Street Bridge
Swartz Building, State Street, near Madison Street
Tanneries, Various
Tappen’s Building, Randolph, near Dearborn
Taylor’s block, corner Franklin and South Water.
Terrace Row, Michigan, between Congress and Van Buren
Charles Tobey Furniture, SW corner of State and Randolph
Town of Chicago
Transit House
Tremont House III
Trinity Church
Turner’s Building, corner North State and Kinzie.
Turner Hall, Clark street near Chicago av.
Tuttle & Hibbard, SE corner State and Lake
Twenty-third Street Grounds, 23rd and State streets
Two-Mile Crib
Tyler block, La Salle, between Lake and South Water.
Uhlic block, North Clark, between Kinzie and Water.
Union Building, SW corner LaSalle and Washington
Union Depot
Union Pacific Day
Union Stockyards
Unity Church I
U.S. Express Office, NW corner Lake and Clark
U.S. Marine Hospitals, 4141 N Clarendon
Volk’s Marble Works, 197 Washington.
Wabash Ave Methodist Church, NW corner of Wabash avenue and Harrison street
Wabash Ice Rink
Wadsworth’s Marble Block, Corner Lake and Wabash
Walker’s block, Dearborn, between Lake and Randolph.
Walworth & Hubbard, Lake Street, between Wells and La Salle
John R. Walsh’s News Depot, SW corner of Madison and Dearborn Streets
Warner’s Block, 123 and 125 Randolph.
Washington’s Block, Clark, bet. Washington and Madison.
Washington Street Tunnel
Water Works I, corner Chicago avenue and Pine.
Water Works II, corner Chicago avenue and Pine.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Ontario and Dearborn streets
Wheeler’s Block, corner Clark and South Water.
Wicker’s building, corner State and South Water.
Wigwam, SE corner of Lake and Market
H. M. Wilmarth & Bro. Gas Fixture House, 167 & 169 Lake street
Wolf’s Point
Wood’s Museum, 115-117 Dearborn
Wright Brother’s Livery Stables, corner North State and Kinzie
Wright’s House, Wells street between Kinzie and North Water street
Young America Hotel,Southeast corner Dearborn and Randolph
Young Men’s Association Library, NW corner Randolph and LaSalle
Fort Dearborn
Fort Dearborn History
Fort Dearborn I
Fort Dearborn Massacre—National Register
Fort Dearborn Massacre—Chicago Magazine, 1857
The Massacre Tree
Fort Dearborn Massacre Memorial
Last Great War Dance in Chicago
A Wolf Hunt in Early Chicago
Christmas at Fort Dearborn
Fort Dearborn Memorial Tablet
1933 Fort Dearborn Replica
Prominent Chicago Pre-Fire Events
1828—Chicago’s First Wedding
1830—Chicago as a Hunting Post
1847-1850—Chicago’s First Daguerreotypists
1855—Raising of Chicago
1856—New Buildings
1857—New Buildings
1857—The Chicago Magazine – A six-issue publication about Chicago.
1858—Lincoln-Douglas Debates
1859—Great West Division Fire
1864—Chicago, the Metropolis of the North West, Louis Kurz
1865-1871—Chicago Fire Alarm Boxes
1865—Lincoln Funeral
1866—Chicago Illustrated
1867—Guide for Travelers to Chicago
1869—Women’s Suffrage Convention
1871—The Fire Before The Great Fire
1871—Business Houses Destroyed
1910—Bygone Days in Chicago, Recollections of the “Garden City” of the Sixties—Review
Pages to be Reassigned
Wow this has so much information
This site is Amazing and much appreciated!