Board of Trade
Life Span: 1859-
Location: South Water Street near Wells
D. B. Cooke’s City Directory for the Year 1859-60
Board of Trade, Clark nw cor La Salle
Halpin & Bailey’s Chicago City Directory for the Year 1863-64
Board of Trade Building, n s S. Water, bet. LaSalle and Wells streets.
Chicago Tribune, July 20, 1859
New Board of Trade Building.—The corner stone of the new building being erected for the Board of Trade, was laid to-day, with appropriate ceremonies.
Chicago Tribune, September 2, 1859
The Board of Trade building, on South Water street, near Wells, is being rapidly pushed forward to completion. It hasreached its full height of four high stories.
Chicago Tribune, February 10, 1860
Board of Trade Rooms.—The Board of Trade Room in Newhouse’s Building will be completed in about two weeks.
- Board of Trade
Louis Kurz
- Board of Trade Buildings
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