Newberry School
Life Span: 1858-
Location: Corner of Orchard and Willow.
Architect: TBD
Chicago Tribune, February 2, 1858
Meeting of the Board of Education.
The following communication was reade by the
President of the Board:
Whereas, the present crowded state of most of our school rooms, as well as the large number of children that would attend school if it were possible to receive them, imperiously demands that increased accommodations be furnished as speedily as possible; therefore
Resolved, That this Board earnestly recommend to the Common Council to take such action as may be necessary to carry out the following measures:
Procure a lot, and erect a building of capacity to accommodate from eight to ten hundred pupils, near the junction of Orchard and Willow streets, in the North Division of the city.
Procure a lot, and erect a building of similar size to the above-mentioned, not far from the junction of State and Twelfth streets, in the South Division of the city.
Procure lots, and remove the frame buildings that now stand on the premise of Nos, eight and nine.
Chicago Tribune, April 16, 1858
On motion of Dr. Foster, voted that the Newberry School building be taken as the model for the new house to be erected, and that the plans and specifications of that house be adopted in the erection of this.
Chicago Tribune, June 8, 1858
Council Proceedings.
Ald. Bross, from the School Committee, asked the passage of an order for the purchase of a lot on the corner of Orchard and Willow streets for $4,400; also an order for the erection of a school building thereon, this season, af a cost of $80,000. The orders were passed.
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