Clarke School, Part of shelter house (1940)
Life Span: 1869-~1948
Location: 13th and Ashland Streets
Architect: TBD
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870
Clarke School—Ashland avenue, between Sampson and Leavitt.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Clarke School—Henry G. Clarke, prin. S. Ashland av. sw. cor. W. 13th.
Evening Post, July 6, 1868
The new public school building now being erected at Reuben street, is very properly to be named the “Clarke School,” in honor of the President of the Board of Education, C. Clarke, Esq.
Evening Post, January 13, 1869
The following are the boundaries of the new Clarke school district, the building of which was opened this morning:
Commencing on Harrison street at Western avenue (city limits), thence following Harrison street to Mortgan, Morgan street to Blue Island avenue to Centre avenue, Centre avenue to Twenty-second street to Western avenue, and Western Avenue to Harrison street. Parents residing within these limits should send their children to the new school house on Reuben street, near twelfth.
The Land Owner, January, 1870
We present elsewhere an elegant engraving of the New Clarke School Building, erected about a year since on Reuben street, between Sampson and Hasting streets, with interior plans of the different floors.
This elegant edifice is only one of the many fine educational buildings of Chocago. Its cost was $70,000, including steam heating and furniture, and it wil accommodate one thousand pupils. The architect is John Barton, Esq., Lombard Block.
It is the constant increase of our population, and the erection of such buildings as this, that gives Chicago real estate its permanent and increasing value.
The New Clarke School.
Reuben treet, between Sampson and Hastings.
Chicago Tribune, May 22, 1931
Abandonment of three old elementary schools as a means of effecting an annual saving of $62,000 in operating expenses was recommended to the board of education yesterday by William J. Bogan, superintendent of schools.
Mr. Bogan would abandon the Garfield school, 1426 Newberry avenue, which has 614 students; the Swing school, 1701 South String street, with 483 students, and the Clarke school, 1310 South Ashland avenue, with 938 students. The students in Garfield
and Swing schools could be transferred to other schools in their neighborhood, leaving these buildings for use as storehouses, Mr. Bogan said. Clarke school would become a part of Crane Technical High school and its elementary students transferred to other schools.
The superintendent’s recommendations to the board will be acted on at its meeting next week
Clarke School
13th and Ashland Streets
Robinson Fire Map
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