C. M. Henderson
Life Span: 1864-1871
Location: Michigan Avenue and Lake Street
Halpin & Bailey’s City Directory for the Year 1863-64
Henderson C. M. & Co., (Charles M., and Wilbur S. Henderson, and Edmund Burke, jr.,) whol. boots and shoes, 32 Lake.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Henderson C. M. & Co., (C. M., and W. S. Henderson, and Edmund Burke), boot and shoe mnfrs. 76 and 78 Wabash.
Western Railroad Gazette, August 29, 1863
C. M. Henderson & Co.– This is one of the oldest houses in Chicago in years, and youngest in enterprise and stirring activity. The Firm are Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, and now claim to have the largest and freshest stock of goods in the Northwest. Their entire assortment was bought for cash, and they now offer it at prices which cannot be undersold. Their goods are from the very best manufacturers, and their warranted custom-made work is unsurpassed. Country dealers who are holding off from making purchases at present in anticipation of lower prices in the boot and shoe market, would do well to look into the store of C. M. Henderson & Co., 32 Lake street, Wabash Avenue, and examine the immense stock that now loads their shelves and counters. It is of the best material and workmanship, and will repay a careful scrutiny preliminary to investment. Messrs. Henderson & Co. can accommodate the trade with extra sizes. Orders from the country promptly attended to, and filled as per instructions.
- C. M. Henderson
32 Lake Street
Western Railroad Gazette, March 4, 1864
Boots and Shoes at Wholesale.-We invite the attention of citizens and country readers to the new advertisement of C. M. Henderson & Co., announcing their removal from their former place of business to their present new, enlarged, elegant and commodious headquarters at Nos. 4, 6 and 8 Lake-st., corner of Michigan Avenue, and opposite the Adams House. Their facilities for transacting an increased and rapidly increasing business at their new location are far greater than they have hitherto enjoyed, and such as the extent of their trade all through the Northwest fully warrants.
Messrs. Henderson & Co., are now fully prepared for the spring trade, with the finest and most complete stock of boots and shoes in the country. They have purchased at liberal rates of the best Eastern manufacturers and can therefore offer the greatest inducements to close buyers. Their custom-made work is especially worthy of remark, as it cannot be surpassed by anything of the kind in the market. Parties visiting the city to buy their spring stock of goods, would act wisely in giving them a call before purchasing elsewhere. This house is one of the oldest and most reliable in Chicago. They not only import but manufacture largely the best styles of goods which they offer at prices which defy competition.
Strangers Guide to Chicago, 1866
The fine marble edifice on the corner of Michigan avenue and Lake street is occupied by Messrs. C. M. Henderson & Co., the well-known manufacturers and jobbers of boots and shoes. This is the oldest house in this business in Chicago, and is one of the heaviest business firms in Chicago. Two hundred hands are here constantlyemployed in themanufacture ofboots and shoes to supplythe immense demand for the goods of this firm.
- C. M. Henderson
4, 6 and 8 Lake Street
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