A. H. Andrews
Life Span: 1865-1871
Location: 111 State street
Architect: TBD
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Andrews A. H. & Co. (Alfred H. Herbert L. Andrews), school, office and church furniture, 111 State, mnfy. 82 W. Washington
Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1866
The Co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name of Andrews & Bigelow, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All partnership business will be settled by Alfred H. Andrews.
Alfred H. Andrews, Silas Bigelow.
Chicago, April 19, 1866.
I shall continue the School Furnishing business at the old place, No. 63 Washington-st.
Alfred H. Andrews.
1866 Edwards’ Directory of Chicago
Chicago Tribune, October 4, 1871
School Furniture.
It is gratifying to Chicago pride to know that her enterprise can successfully compete with Eastern firms even on their own chosen fighting ground. The well-known firm of A. H. Andrews & Co., of this city, have been pushing their trade to the East until the present year they have the contract for supplying several large cities, including Philadelphia, their first order being 3,000 desks. By reference to the proceedings of the board, last night, it will be seen that the contract for seating the three new buildings just being completed in this city, was also awarded to the same house. Andrews’ “Gothic School Furniture” has acquired a national reputation.
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