Major Block I
Life Span: 1867-1871
Location: SE Corner La Salle and Madison Streets
Architect: T. V. Wadskier
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Major Block, L. S. Major, propr. LaSalle, se. cor. Madison
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870
Major Block—Southeast corner LaSalle and Madison
Chicago Tribune, November 24, 1867
Another of those beautiful as well as substantial structures which have sprung up almost as by magic within the past few years in this city, is now nearly completed. The Major Bloch, on the southeast corner of LaSalle and Madison streets, will vie with any of the really noble structures which now adorn oar city. It fronts sixty-six feet on Madison, and eighty-seven on LaSalle, is four stories high besides basement, and has an imposing marble front. The building alone cost about $60,000. T. V. Wadskier is the architect. It was commenced in June last, under his supervision, and will be completed by about the end of the present month, being ready for occupancy in every part.
The location chosen for the building is in the very heart of the great business centre, and will for years to come rise in commercial value. LaSalle street to the depot has recently been paved with the Nicolson pavement, and is now being built on rapidly- Should the City Hall be built, as proposed on the corner of Adams and LaSalle, the last named street will be even more widely appreciated than now, though the insurance and backing interests are already centered there, and the commission men here largely made it their home. The block next south will probably be built upon, both sides of the street, the coming season.
Recognizing the availabilities of the situation, Dr. Major has constructed his building with the special intent of furnishing offices better adapted to the wants of business men in these departments than most other blocks. The offices are fine and large, with good high ceilings, are well ventilated, and furnished with closet safes for the perfect protection of papers and funds. The basement contains one room in the corner, with two fronts 27 feet by 35 on this floor. Above this on the first floor is another office of the same size, each of the two floors being supplemental with other offices, smaller, but equally commodious. The upper story Is divided into rooms suitable for residence purposes.
The building is noteworthy in this, that it does not contain a single dark room, and the offices are all connected, so that one or a suite may be rented as desired. The desirability of the location and the building is sufficiently shown in the fact that although the structure will not be finished within a week from the present time, fully one-half of the offices are already taken, and inquiry is active for others. We believe it is the intention of Dr. Major, not so much to expect high rents as to secure good tenants, and in this respect he is setting an example which may be advantageously followed by many other property owners in this city.
- Major Block I
Photographer: P. B. Greene
- Major Block I
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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