Church, Goodman & Donnelley, Church, Goodman & Cushing (1862)
Life Span: 1868-1871
Location: 108-110 Dearborn
Architect: Unknown
Halpin & Bailey’s City Directory for the Year 1863-64
Church, Goodman & Cushing, (Leroy Church, Edward Goodman and Charles H. Cushing.) printers, 51 and 53 LaSalle.
Christian Times, office 51 LaSalle, (Church & Goodman, props,)
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Church, Goodman & Donnelley (L. Church, E. Goodman and R. R. Donnelley), printers, book and job, 108 and 110 Dearborn.
Chicago Tribune, February 13, 1862
At a little past twelve o’clock this (Thursday) morning, an alarm was sounded for a fire that had already got a strong hold on the four story brick building Nos. 51, 53 and 55 La Salle street. The upper stories were all in flames before the firemen could get their position. It was not long, however, before the fire was got under partial control, and as we go to press, it is certain that no damage will come to adjoining blocks, if indeed the flames be not limited in their progress to the two upper stories.
The building is occupied by Church, Goodman & Cushing, who have a book store and Baptist depository on the lower floor, and a job printing office overhead. The building also includes the publication office of the Christian Times. The upper floor was occupied by H. Wiggins, frame-maker. There were other occupants, whose names we did not learn.
It is impossible, at the time of writing, to make any estimate pf the loss.
- Church Goodman & Donnelley building at 108-110 Dearborn
The original RR Donnelley Printing Company.
- Church Goodman & Donnelley building
108-110 Dearborn
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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