Cobb, Pritchard & Co., Cobb, Andrews & Co. (1871-1873)
Life Span: 1864-1871
Architect: Unknown
Location: No. 83 Lake street, South side of Lake, between State and Dearborn
Chicago Tribune, March 24, 1864
Cobb, Pritchard & Co.-It is complementary both to Chicago and the parties themselves, that many of the most sagacious business men of other cities are pulling up stakes and removing hither, bringing not only money, bat what is of far more consequence, additions to that business talent which has made Chicago what it is today. We notice the recent arrival, in this city of a Cleveland firm, Messers. J. B. Cobb and D, Pritchard, for many years known in the former city as a well-established and extensive bookselling firm. They have just opened at No, 83 Lake street, under the title of Cobb, Pritchard & Co. Their names are already familiar to many of those in the book trade in the Far. West, and we have no doubt that they will become still more widely known. They bear a high reputation a prompt, satire, substantial and thorough business men, and will find those qualities appreciated here. We look to see a large business built up in Chicago by Cobb, Pritchard & Co.
Chicago Evening Post, February 9, 1869
One of Our Great Book Houses.
The present month is witnessing a material change in the location and organization of some of the book houses of the city while others retain their old quarters, and will be prepared with increased facilities to meet their old friends and to make new ones, share of and take their fall the spring trade, which promises to be very active. Among the latter is the well-known house of Cobb, Pritchard & Co.-Nos. 81 and 83 Lake street—who enter upon their sixth year in a very prosperous condition, and are gaining a strong hold all over the Northwest. Their location, just east of the Tremont House, is very convenient both for the wholesale and retail trade, for both of which branches they have the needed stock and conveniences, occupying a double store, with tempting cases and tables filled with choice literature, and stocks of school and miscellaneous books in the rear, for shipment to country dealers. Messrs. Cobb, Pritchard & Co. have issued a handsome catalogue of 48 pages, containing a list of the leading popular miscellaneous books issued by the various publishers, and have sent out some eleven thousand of these over the Northwest. They announce special facilities for supplying libraries, and offer inducements to purchasing committees, both in respect to variety and extent of stock and to price.
This house also deals largely in fine paper and envelopes, wedding stationery, mono grams card engraving, initial stamping and lithographing, furnish sketched designs of monograms in pencil on application. We can advise book fanciers and book dealers in city and country to look through their comprehensive stock, where they can hardly fail of being suited.
- Cobb, Pritchard & Co.
83 Lake street
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Chicago Tribune, October 30, 1871
Branch Office.
For the accommodation of our customers in the South Division of the city, a branch office of The Tribune has been established at No. 469 Wabash avenue, in the bookstore of Messrs. Cobb, Andrews & Co., where advertisements and subscriptions, and changes in the delivery of The Tribune can be left up to 10 p. m., and will receive the same attention as if left at the main office.
The firm closed in 1873 and its assets sold off in auction. It was located at 469 Wabash av.
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