Ogden School, Formerly No. 10
Life Span: 1857-
Location: Corner of Chestnut and Wolcott.
Chicago Tribune, January 15, 1857
New ScaooL Houses.—We learn that it is the intention of the Board of School Inspectors to procure the erection of two, and if possible, three additional buildings for the use of the Public Schools of our city. Their election is to be commenced early in the spring, and the buildings are to be first class structures.
Public School No. 10, in the North Division and the school house recently erected near the American Car Works will be opened for the reception of pupils in a few days, the delay in opening being caused by the non reception of the furniture, now twelve days by railroad from Buffalo.
Many of the Public Schools are overcrowded and as much difficulty on this account has been experienced in the Madison street School, West Division, that the basement of the Jefferson street Methodist Episcopal Church has been obtained in which to hold a school, and one hundred pupils transferred from the Public School building. The new quarters will accommodate some two hundred children.
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