Buck & Rayner Building I
Life Span: 1868-1871
Location: Southwest corner of State and Madison Streets
Architect: TBD
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870
Buck & Rayner (George Buck and James B. Rayner), druggists, 93 Clark and State, sw. cor. Madison
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1871
Buck & Rayner (George Buck and James B. Rayner), druggists, State, sw. cor. Madison and 93 Clark
Chicago Evening Post,March 13, 1868
Mr. James B. Rayner having resumed his old place at the Central Prescription Drug Store, No. 93 Clark street, we are glad to couple with the announcement a few words of welcome and commendation. Several years ago Messrs. Buck & Rayner established themselves at this now well known stand and forthwith the name of “Buck & Rayner” became as it still is a household word in Chicago. Mr. Rayner withdrew in 1865 to engage in business at New York, and now returns upon the withdrawal of Mr. Buck. But the firm name, surviving, the first change, will also, we believe, survive the second,—for all the while there remains a familiar face and a competent head to represent the establishment—Mr. Rayner has hosts of personal friends in Chicago to whom his return will be no less gratifying than it is an assurance to all the patrons of united Buck & Rayner.
- Buck & Rayner
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
- The corner of State and Madison, looking Northeast from ruins of the Chicago Tribune Building at Dearborn and Madison. The Raymond Block (122-132 State), NW Corner, lower left, and Carson, Pirie & Co. was next door at 118-120.
Mayo’Jewelry Store, jewelers, 130 State, NW cor state & Madison
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