Rufus Blanchard
Location: 52 La Salle, Between Lake and Randolph; 146 Lake Street
Life Span: 1865-1871
Architect: TBD
New Map of Chicago.
Rufue Blanchard, the celebrated map publisher of Chicago, at No, 146 Lake street, has just brought out a splendid large-steed map of Chicago as it is, with the new ward boundaries correctly designated, the new additions to the city distinctly defined, and the new parks, boulevards, additions to parks, etc., clearly located. The map was drawn by Frank Davenport
draughtsman in the Tax Commissioner’s office, and is handsomely mounted. It comes just in the nick of time in view of the recent important changes made to the geography of Chicago, and will be eagerly sought for by all classes of citizens.
Western Railroad Gazette, July 24, 1869
We have received from Rufus Blanchard, the well known map publisher of Chicago, a copy of a new copper-plate map of Illinois, on a scale of nine miles to the inch, forming a sheet 34 by 44 inches. It gives the public land surveys falthfully, showing fractional as well as whole sections, and the meridians, base lines and offsets, The townships are all shown, and the positions of nearly all villages of any importance and of railroad stations are carefully marked. Marginal maps exhibit the physical features of the State, and these give at a glance information which could not be imparted by long written chapters. We have seen no map which shows so fully and accurately the railroads now in operation or in progress. The map is more convenient than a larger one and almost equally clear and full. It is very handsomely engraved and printed, and so good in all particulars that we wonder how it can be afforded so cheaply-$3.00 mounted on rollers, and $1.50 in pocket form.
Michigan Terrace, Michigan Avenue. Looking towards teh Central Depot / from nature
Lithographed & Printed by Chas. Shober, 109 Lake St.
Published by E. Whitefield, Rufus Blanchard 52 LaSalle St
View of Rush Street Bridge From Norton’s Block, River Street
Lithographed & Printed by Chas. Shober, 109 Lake St.
Published by E. Whitefield, Rufus Blanchard 52 LaSalle St
View of Clark and Wells Street Bridges from Foot of River Street
Lithographed & Printed by Chas. Shober, 109 Lake St.
Published by E. Whitehead at D. B. Cooke & Co. Lake St.
Sherman House, Looking up Randolph St. From Nature
Edwin Whitehead
Published by E. Whitehead, 52 LaSalle St, Printed by Chas. Shober, 109 Lake St., Chicago
June 1861
Map of the Business Portion of Chicago; E. Whitefield for Rufus Blanchard, 1862
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