Exchange Bank Building
Life Span: 1862-1871
Location: Southwest corner Lake and Clark.
Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1854
The Farmer’s Bank has been removed to the new Granite building, corner of Clark and Lake Streets.
The Exchange Bank
Chicago Tribune, March 31, 1862
New Banking House.—The advertisement of Messrs. Rutter, Endicott & Whitehouse, Bankers and Exchange Dealers, will be found in our advertising columns. The first two of the parties occupied for a long time responsible positions in the Banking House of Geo. Smith & Co., and are well known in business circles, and the third is a son Bishop Whitehouse. They occupy the rooms formerly belonging to the Exchange Bank, on the southwest corner of Clark and Lake streets. Commencing with an ample capital and with experience, a high order of ability and integrity, the house will at once command the confidence and a large patronage from the business public.
1863 Chicago City Directory
The Exchange Bank
Business District of Chicago
The Exchange Bank
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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