Scammon School
Location: Madison Between Hasted and Desplaines
Life Span: 1847-TBD
Architect: TBD
This school was named after J. Young Scammon who created the charter for the Chicago Public School System in 1837. This was School No. 3 in the new city.
Inter Ocean, September 16, 1875
REPAIRS AT SCHOOL Buildings. Mr. Wilce also presented the following report of repairs and improvements made at the several school buildings during the summer vacation, to wit:
Scammon School—Repairs to plastering. $20.50.
Chicago Tribune, May 14, 1891
The Committee on Buildings and Grounds asked authority to erect a three-story workshop 50×100 feet, for use of the Manual Training School to be erected in the rear of the old Scammon School Building at a cost not to exceed $40,000. The authority was granted by unanimous vote.
Scammon School
About 1892
Scammon School Floor Plan
Scammon School
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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