Calhoun’s Block
Life Span: 1859-1871
Location: East side of Clark, bet. Washington and Madison.
- Halpin & Bailey’s City Directory for the Year 1863
Calhoun Block s.s. Clark, bet Washington and Madison streets.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Calhoun’s Block—East side of Clark, bet. Washington and Madison.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1871
Calhoun’s Block—East side of Clark, bet. Washington and Madison.
Chicago Tribune, November 11, 1859
MILLENERY MATTERS.-The Misses Norris finding their millenery rooms under the Tremont too small for the accommodation of their increasing customers, have opened another establishment in Calhoun’s Block, 119 South Clark street, where every variety of rich and fashionable millinery goods are offered for sale. The Misses Norris feel assured that with their increased facilities for doing a larger business-exhibiting a more varied assortment of goods. and in employing skillful workwomen-they cannot fail to suit the ladies generally. They elso keep employed an experienced cap and head-dress maker, and particularly wish ladies desiring anything in that line to give them a call. The branch establishment on Lake street will be kept open until Spring.
- Calhoun Block
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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