J. B. Hennegan and Nicolas Crickard Confectioery Co, Thos. Thomson’s Steam Bakery (1859-1862)
Life Span: 1859-1871
Location: 17 Clark Street, Corner Clark and alley between Lake and Water streets
Archiect: Unknown
Chicago Tribune, June 20, 1863
Confectionery.—We have received from J. B. Hennegen & Co., wholesale confectioners, 17 South Clark street, a box of assorted and most delicious confectionery, free from adulterations of any kind. We have never seen confectionery superior to this, and can confidently recommend it as A No. 1, to all who have sweet teeth, and to dealers everywhere as being’s genuine and unsurpassed article.
Chicago Tribune, April 23, 1867
Fire.—Last night, about half-past ten o’clock, a fire was discovered in the back part of N. Crickard & Co.’s confectionery store, No. 17 Clark street. No general alarm was sounded, but the steamer “A. D. Titsworth” was despatched to the scene, and easily succeeded in extinguishing the flames. The loss will not amount to more than a trifling sum.
Chicago Tribune, December 12, 1869
Candies and Confectionery:
The confectionery establishment of Dawson A Shields, formerly N. Crickard, No. 17 Clark street, stands high in the community. It is well and favorably known throughout the West, and easterners are promised first-class goods and first rate treatment. The proprietors ore determined to sustain the reputation which the house achieved under its former proprietors. A trial of the goods is solicited..
J. B. Hennegen & Co.
17 Clark Street
Map of the Business Portion of Chicago
J. B. Hennegen & Co.
17 Clark Street
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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