B. F. Tobin Store, Eagle Jewelry Store
Life Span: ~1850-1871
Location: NE cor. Clark and Madison
Architect: TBD
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1867
Tobin Benjamin F. importer and dealer in watches, jewelry &c. 135 S. Clark, r. same
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Tobin B. Frank, watches, jewelry and silverware. 135 Clark, r. 503 Wabash av.
Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1864
FIRE. -Near midnight, yesterday, a fire was discovered in the old wooden building situated on the northeast corner of Clark and Madison streets. The alarm was speedily rung, and the engines promptly repaired to the spot, and soon the flames were suppressed. The building was occupied below as a Jewelry Store by M. Straas. His loss is chiefly from water, and will reach nearly $500, which is covered by insurance.
The upper rooms were occupied by —— Crocker as a photographic establishment. His loss in furniture, stock and material, will exceed $1,000; no damage to the building.
Chicago Evening Post, December 22, 1866
JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT.—The advertisement of B. F. Tobin, dealer in fine watches, jewelry diamonds, silver good, gold pens, etc., appears upon the second page of to-day’s paper. In the selection of no article of merchandise should so great care be taken to avoid imposition as jewelry, for the reason that such vast quantities of worthless trash food the market. Tobin prides himself upon the quality of goods he sells, and stakes his reputation upon their genuineness and intrinsic value. He is also agent for the celebrated American Watches, and keeps on hand the tinest quality, and a most varied and extensive assortment of spectacles, eye glasses and the like. All jewelry left at his establishment for repairs will be promptly attended to by skillful and accurate workmen. Parties wishing to purchase anything in his line will do well to examine Tobin’s stock before making a final selection—No. 135 South Clark street.
Chicago Evening Post, April 19, 1867
A DARING BURGLARY was committed yesterday in the jewelry store of B. F. Tobin, northeast coruer of Clark and Madison streets. Late in the afternoon a tray containing several thousand dollars worth of rings was missed from the show window where it was placed in the morning. After a long search the tray was found hidden away. Rings of the value of $3,000 had been taken from it. The affair is a mystery; for to reach the tray it would be necessary to pass along the whole length of the counter.
Chicago Tribune, April 5, 1868
THE EAGLE JEWELRY STORE.—The well-known watch and jewelry house of B F. Tobin, on the northeast corner of Clark and Madison streets, possesses a well-earned reputation for the reliability of its goods and moderation of prices. Owning his premises,Mr. Tobin gives to patrons all the advantages of light expenses in reduced rates, thereby making great inducements to the trade. He makes a speciality of American watches, Waltham, B. Howard & Co.’s. Tremont, Eigin, and every desirable maker, and of Geneva and English watches. Buyers of anything in the line of silver goods, table ware, diamond goods, fine jewelry, gold pens spectacles, etc., will do well to exmine this stock, the reliability of which is beyond question.
Chicago Tribune, March 6, 1870
Golden Opportunity.
I have $20,000 worth of fine Gold and Silver Goods, usually kept by first-class Jewelers, which I will sell, regardless of cost, to close up my business by May 1st.
Great Bargains will be given at the
Eagle Jewelry Store,
135 Clark st., cor. Madison.
Fixtures for sale and store to rent.
B. F. Tobin.
- B. F. Tobin’s Jewelry Store
135 S. Clark
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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