Barnes House
Life Span: 1867-1908
Location: Southwest Corner Randolph and Canal Streets
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Barnes House, N. A. Hawks, propr. Randolph, sw. cor. Canal.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Barnes House, Rice & Woolley, proprs. Randolph, cor. Canal.
Rice C. H. (Rice & Wooley), res. Barnes House
Wooley R. H. (Rice & Wooley), res. Barnes House
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Barnes House, Randolph sw. cor. Canal
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Barnes House, Frederick J. Deutsche prop 36 W Randolph
Chicago Evening Post, April 17, 1867
A New Hotel.—Mr. R. B. Barnes opened his new hotel, the Barnes House, last evening. It is a fine brick five-story structure, situated on the southwest corner or Canal and Randolph streets. It contains seventy-six bed-rooms, ladies’ and gentlemen’s sitting rooms, besides reception rooms, kitchen, pantries, improved bake-oven, bath-rooms, etc.—all elegantly furnished. The building is lighted with gas throughout, and each room is furnished with bells connecting with the office. Judging from the splendid manner in which the house is furnished, and the bounteous display of viands on the table last evening, Mr. Barnes does indeed know how to keep a hotel. In the basement is a first-class billiard hall, containing four new, second-size four-pocket tables. This room is under the superintendence of the gentlemanly and obliging Jow Vermeulen—so what more need be said?
Chicago Evening Post, April 17, 1867
BILLIARDS.—The arrival in this city of Mr. J. W. Coon has given an impetus to this popular game. On Wednesday evening he played a game of 750 points, at Brunswick’s, with Vermeulen, whom he defeated by 24 points. Last night the same gentlemen had another contest for superiority, in a game ot 750 points, caroms, at the Barnes House, which Vermeulen won by 252 points, making an average of nearly 28. At the conclusion of tbe game Mr. Coon gave an exibition of his skill in making masse shots, in which very few excel him.
Chicago Tribune, April 9, 1908
The property that must be vacated is known as the “machinery district.” Several big firms will find new locations. Among these are the J. T. Ryerson & Sons company at Clinton and Lake streets, the H. M. Hooker Glass company, and the Raymond Lead company. The Ryerson company is building a huge new house at Fifteenth street and Ogden avenue. Old landmarks such as the Gault House and the Barnes House also will go.
- Barnes Hotel
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
- Barnes Hotel
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
- Barnes Hotel
Greeley-Carlson Atlas of Chicago
- Barnes Hotel
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
- ㊵ Chicago & Northwestern Station (former location of Barnes House.
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