23rd Street Grounds, State Street Grounds
Life Span: 1868-1880
Location: 23rd and State Street
Architect: NA
Chicago Tribune, May 31, 1868
Base Ball.
The first nines of the Excelsior and Eureka Base Ball clubs played their return match yesterday afternoon, inaugurating the new grounds of the Excelsiors, on State street, near Twenty-third street. An attendance of about 500 spectators were present. The grounds are among the finest in the West. They enclose an area of 475 by 700 feet, perfectly smooth and level. Around this a high fence is erected, and within are structures for the use of the players, and an amphitheatre for the convenience of the spectators.
The game yesterday opened ar a quarter before 3 o’clock, the Eurekas taking the bat.
Chicago Tribune, November 12, 1880
The approaching sale to the railroads of the property now used by the Chicago Ball Club, which seems to be a certainty, will render it necessary for the Club to find new playing-grounds, and the charces are that the League games here next season will be played on the West side, as the old Twenty-third street grounds are cut up into building lots, and there are no available grounds on the North Side. Thus far the matter of a new location has not been considered by the Club, but the necessary steps toward securing accommodations will be taken at once.
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