Foster House, Revere House
Life Span: ~1857-1871
Location: NE Corner Clark and Kinzie
Architect: TBD
- D. B. Cooke & Co.’s City Directory for the Year 1859-60
Foster House, Moses H. Baxter, prop., Clark, n e cor. Kinzie
Halpin & Bailey’s City Directory for the Year 1863-64
Foster House, M. H. Baxter, prop., Kinzie, n.e. cor. Clark
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Revere House, Gilbert Dutcher, propr. N. Clark, ne. cor. Kinzie
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870
Revere House, Stevens & Daw, props. 42 N. Clark, cor. Kinzie
Chicago Tribune, April 2, 1864
THE REVERE HOUSE.—-All old residents of Chicago were once familiar with the old Revere House, which long since was pulled down to make room for our present McCormick’s block. The name was discontinued, but not lost. It has been resurrected and applied to the old Foster House, which having lain idle for two years, is about to be opened under a new name by Mr. G. Dutcher, formerly of the Capitol House, of Madison, Wis. The way in which the house has been rejuvenated would surprise any one who knew it only as the “Foster.” The richest carpets, the best furniture, and the most excellent cuisine and sanitary arrangements are provided, and if the new proprietor and his clerk—H. M. Kinsley, only act up to the facihties there presented, they cannot fail to make their guests feel at home. The house will be open for inspection by the public on Monday, and for the reception of guests on Tuesday next.
Chicago Magazine, June 15, 1857
Edwards’ Map of the Business Centre of Chicago, 1868
⑤ The Revere House. Gilbert Dutcher, proprietor.
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