Marshall Field Biography
Marshall Field Biography
Retail Stores
Palmer’s Dry Goods & Carpets, Lake Street Between Dearborn and Clark Streets, 1858-1871
Field, Leiter & Co. I, NE corner State and Washington, 1868-1871
Singer Building I, NE Corner State and Washington Streets, 1873-1877
Singer Building II, NE Corner State and Washington Streets, 1879-1905
Marshall Field Annex I, NW corner of Wabash avenue and Washington street, 1891-1912
Marshall Field & Co. State Street Store, NE Corner State and Washington Streets, 1906-Present
Marshall Field Annex II, NW corner of Wabash avenue and Washington street, 1914-Present
Other Marshall Field Buildings
Field, Leiter Stables, 1872-~1910
Marshall Field Warehouse, 1885-1930
Field Museum of Natural History, 1921-Present
Merchandise Mart, 1930-Present
Marshall Field Garden Apartment Homes, 1929-Present
Field Building, 1933-Present
Marshall Field Homes
4, Park Row, 1862-1891
1905 Prairie Avenue, 1873-1955
1919 Prairie Avenue, (Marshall Field, Jr.), 1902-present
Marshall Field Articles
1898—Success Magazine Marshal Field Interview
1911—Marshall Field’s Delivery System
1914—Fashions of the Hour
1952—Marshall Field & Company Centennial
Harry G. Selfridge
Harry G. Selfridge Biography
Harry G. Selfridge’s Lake Shore Drive Mansion
Selfridge’s Chicago
Selfridge’s London—Chicago Newspapers Description
Selfridge’s London—London Newspapers Description
Gordon Selfridge and the Dolly Sisters
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