Globe Theater
Life Span:
Location: Desplaines street, Between Washington and Madison streets
Chicago Tribune, October 16, 1870
The West Side Theatre.
The work upon Mr. D. R. Allen Theatre on Desplaines street is rapidly approaching completion. It will probably be finished and ready for opening early in the ensuing month. The roof is about done, and the work on the stage is now in active progress. Present appearances indicate that it will be one of the best arranged theatres in the city. Mr. Allen is now busy organizing his company, and expects to open about the 7th with a well-selected dramatic corps. There is every reason to anticipate for the new theatre a successful career.
Chicago Tribune, October 9, 1872
was the first to recover from the effects of the fire.
The Globe Theatre
Desplaines Avenue, Between Madison and Washington streets
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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