Ellsworth Building, Terminals Building
Life Span: 1892-TBD
Location: 537 S. Dearborn St.
Architect: John M. Van Osdel
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Ellsworth Bldg.—353 to 357 Dearborn.
Inter Ocean, October 18, 1891
J. M. Van Osdel & Co. are preparing plans for the fourteen-story building J. W. Ellsworth proposes to erect on hie property, 75 feet front, running through to Third avenue, Dearborn street, 60 feet north of Harrison etreet. The building will cost about $250,000. It will contain 150 offices. Work will commence as soon as possible.
Rand McNally Bird’s Eye Views 1893
⑧ The Ellsworth Building.
At 353-359 Dearborn Street, extends through to Plymouth Place, with frontages on both streets of 71 feet, and a depth of 60 feet. The building, of steel, with exterior of brick and terra cotta, was erected in 1892. It is 170 feet high, in 14 stories and basement. There are 4 stores, 200 offices, and 3 elevators. The tenants are manufacturers’ agents, publishers, and printers
Printing-house Row, from Van Buren Street.
Print (above) portrays faithfully the extraordinary double row of high buildings which lines Dearborn Street between Van Buren and Harrison streets. This is Printing-house Row so called from the large number of printing-offices included within its limits. Among the high structures of this group, described elsewhere, are the ① Old Colony, the ② Girard, the ③ Manhattan, the ④ Monon, the ⑤ Como, the ⑥ Caxton, the ⑦ Pontiac, and the ⑧ Ellsworth.
Ellsworth Building
1908 Chicago Central Business and Office Directory
The Ellsworth Building is a modern office building situated at 353, 355 and 357 Dearborn street. Has a frontage of 75 feet on Dearborn and the same on Plymouth Place, and is fourteen stories high. The construction is absolutely fireproof-and first class in every particular. The finish is of the finest. The halls and corridors are of marble. The building is as complete in every detail as any office building in the city, and the management of same is of the highest grade in every respect.
The Ellsworth Building caters to a high grade class of tenants only at moderate prices and is the home of many of the largest trade periodicals located in the west.
For information and space apply to
E. SPENCER STURGES, Agent for the Building.
- Ellsworth Building
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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