Opera Houses
Crosby’s Opera House
Hooley’s Opera House
King’s Opera House
Myers’ Opera House, ns. Monroe, bet. Dearborn and State
Grow’s Opera Hall, Madison, cor. Bishop ct.
Halsted Street Opera House, Halsted, nw. cor. Harrison, J. H. Keeler, propr. office 145 S. Clark
North Side Opera House
West Side Opera House, Randolph, nw. cor. Jefferson
Chicago Opera House Block
Civic Opera House
Chicago Opera
Chicago Opera Companies’ History — A brief history of Chicago’s own opera companies.
Civic Opera’s First Season, 1922-23
Mary Garden
World’s Premiere—The Love for Three Oranges
Civic Opera House – A description of the new Civic Opera House written at the time of its opening in 1929.
1933 Aida
The Mikado in Chicago
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Symphony Orchestra — A short history on the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Hall, written in 1929 by CSO conductor Frederk Stock.
Looking for Thomas Lee Bradley ca 1940 lead in Palliachi (sic). Kenneth Bradley+