Ottowa Building, Salisbury & Cline
Life Span: 1880-Before 1949
Location: 105-109 Madison (old), 62-66 W. Madison
Architect: John M. Van Osdel II
Chicago Tribune, May 16, 1880
prominent in the rubber trade, and successors to the old house of Hallock, Salisbury & Cline, invite the public to their spacious new store 109 Madison street, where all varieties of rubber goods may be found.
Chicago Tribune, June 13, 1880
Inter Ocean, May 27, 1894
The estate of the late L.C. Paine Freer will make extensive alterations to the building, Nos. 105 to 109 Madison street. An entire new front four stories high will be put in and the interior entirely remodeled. The plans have been made by J. M. Van Osdel, and about $60,000 will be expended in the work.
Ottowa Building
Ottawa Building
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
Ottawa Building
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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