Parker Building, Wheeler Building
Life Span: 1883-1910
Location: 6-8 Sherman St
Architect: John M. Van Osdel
Parker Building, 1883-1910, at 6-8 Sherman street (later known as the Wheeler building), was seven stories high. John M. Van Osdel was the architect. The Insurance Exchange building now occupies this site.
Inter Ocean, November 11, 1883
Architect J. M. Van Osdel has completed plans for an office-building for J. D. Parker, six story, 50 by 100 feet, first story of McArthur brown stone, upper stories faced with Chicago Anderson pressed-brick. The building will be thoroughly fireproofed by the Ottawa Tire Company; cost, $100,000
Inter Ocean, April 11, 1885
In the Parker Building, on Sherman street, just over from ‘Change, Mr. John D. Parker has now leased nearly all big offices. The thorough finish of the interior and the pronounced attractiveness of the exterior must maintain and increase the popularity of the building.
John M. Van Osdel Accounting Book.
Parker Building
SW Corner of Jackson and Sherman
Robinson Fire Map 1886
Chicago Central Business and Office Building Directory, 1908
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