Central Block
Life Span: 1868-1871
Location: NE corner of Market and Washington
Architect: TBD
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1867
Howard, White & Crowell (Benjamin F. Howard, John W. White and Henry A. Crowell), commercial printers, and pubs. of Daily and Weekly Market Reporter, room 50 Chamber of Commerce
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1869
Howard, White & Crowell (Benjamin F. Howard, John W. White and Henry A. Crowell), commercial printers, and pubs. of Daily and Weekly Market Reporter, room 25, 154 and 156 Washington
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Howard, White & Crowell (B. F. Howard, J. W. White and H. A. Crowell), commercial printers, 156 Washington
Chicago Tribune, August 6, 1868
The Chicago Market Reporter is the title of a new weekly sheet, the first number of which appeared on Change to-day, published by Howard, White and Crowell. The specimen number is a neat sheet, brimful of accurate commercial intelligence, and its succeedants will be no doubt extensively read and patronized.
- Central Block
- Central Block
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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