Dexter Building
Life Span: 1892-1961
Location: 80-84 Adams (39 W. Adams today)
Architect: Burnham & Root
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Dexter Bldg.—80 to 84 Adams.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1911
Dexter Bldg.,—39 W. Adams.
Rand McNally’s Bird’s Eye Views of Chicago, 1893
② The Dexter Building,
At 80-84 Adams Street, is 50 feet wide, 105 feet deep, and 140 feet high, with 8 stories and basement. The structure is of the steel pattern, with heavy brick walls and terra cotta and tile. There are 2 stores, 140 offices, and 2 passenger elevators. The occupants are insurance companies, real-estate dealers, and manufacturers’ agents. Erected in 1882, at a cost of $150,000.
Dexter Building
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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