Hatch House II, Hotel Le Grande
Life Span: 1871-1889, 1889-1907
Location: 29 and 31 N. Wells
Edwards’ Supplemental Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1873
Hatch House, J. T. Corcoran, propr. 29 and 31 N. Wells
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Hatch House, John T. Corcoran, prop. 29 N. Wells
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Hatch House, James Feeney, prop. 93 Kinzie
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1885
Hatch House, 93 Kinzie
Lakeside Business Directory of the City of Chicago, 1899
Hotel LeGrand, Ferdinand Wistawil, prop. 35 to 45 N. Wells
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Hotel LeGrande, 35 N. Wells
Chicago Tribune, December 24, 1871
The New Hatch House.
Adjoining the Galena depot of the Northwestern Railroad, on Wells street, on the site of the old Hatch House, in the city of Chicago, there has been erected a substantial three-story hotel building, containing 100 large and airy rooms, newly furnished and fitted throughout, and where the traveling public may find all the comforts of a home. Mr. John T. Corcoran, who so successfully and satisfactorily conducted the old Hatch House for the last ten years, is the present owner and proprietor of this new hotel, and has, by his own untiring energy and indomitable perseverance, in the midst of winter, within two months from the destruction of the former hotel, by the great fire, erected and furnished complete this new and elegant hotel it being the first and only public house erected since the 9th of October. Such Chicago pluck and energy merits—and undoubtedly will receive—the support and patronage of the traveling public who may, from pleasure or business, visit the city of Chicago. The office is presided over by Mr. George Saunders, assisted by Mr. Michael Corcoran, both of whom are courteous gentlemen, with a large experience in their profession, which guarantees perfect satisfaction and comfort to all those who may become guests of the new Hatch House. This hotel being centrally located, and most accessible to the various depots, will undoubtedly, and deservedly, receive a large share of the public patronage.
Inter Ocean, May 25, 1890
The Hotel Le Grand, on Wells street near Kinzie street, be enlarged and improved at a cost of $73,000. To the hotel will be added three stories, and on lots adjoining, owned by the proprietor of the hotel, an addition seven stories high will be erected. When this is added the remodeled structure will front 165 feet on Wells street and sixty feet on Kinzie street. The improvement will cost $75,000.
- Hatch House
Greeley Carlson Atlas of Chicago
Rand McNally’s Bird’s-Eye Views of Chicago, 1893
③ The Hotel Le Grand
Fronts 80 feet on Kinzie and 40 feet on Wells Street, at the northwest corner. It is 75 feet high, divided in 5 stories. The exterior is brick and cut-stone, with modern light orna-mentation. There are 125 rooms for rent without board, and a restaurant is run in the building. Erected in 1889.
- Hatch House
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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