Quinlan Block
Life Span: 1873-1911
Location: 131 N. Clark
Architect: W. W. Boyington
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Quinlan Bldg., 81 and 83 Clark.
Quinlan Charles H. (physician) 21, 81 Clark
Quinlan John D. (dentist) 21, 81 Clark
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1911
Quinlan Bldg., 131 N. Clark
Chicago Tribune, April 10, 1877
Assistant General Freight Agent C. M. Wicker, of the Baltimore and Ohio, returned to the city yesterday from Columbus. On the first of May the clerks of this department will remove to this city. Extra offices are being provided for this increased force over the company’s offices on Clark street.
Chicago Tribune, May 20, 1877
The Assistant General Freight Department of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was moved to this city yesterday. The offices occupied by this department are very conveniently located on the second floor of No. 81 Clark street, above the present ticket office. Assistant General Freight-Agent C. M. Wicker is in charge of this department.
Mr. M. L. Doherty, whose appointment as Traffic Manager of the Western Divisions of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was recently reported in The Tribune, arrived yesterday to make his permanent headquarters in this city. He will have full control over both the freight and passenger business of the Western Division of the road. Mr. Doherty has the reputation of an able traffic man, having formerly been the Manager of the Continental Fast-Freight Line. His office will also be on the second floor of No. 81 Clark street.
Mir. William Keyser, Second Vice-President, W. C. Quincy. General Manager of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, who have been in the city during the last two days inspecting the affairs of the road at this end, will leave again for the East this evening.
The Land Owner, March, 1872
- Our engraving (of the Superior Block) shows a portion of an adjoining building the south. This is being erected by the Drs. Quinlan, and in its general style will conform to this block, giving a large street frontage, in the same style of architecture.
Chicago Tribune, January 1, 1893
Another purchase to supplement a corner holding was made by R. W. Hyman Jr. He purchased the Quinlan block, corner of Dearborn and Randolph streets, for $190,000. The lot has a frontage of twenty feet on Randolph street by ninety feet on Dearborn, and is improved with a fairly good brick building. Mr. Hyman owns the property adjoining this on the west. The corner is now of sufficient area for successful improvement.
- Quinlan Block
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
- Quinlan Block
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
This building, along with the Superior Block, were raised in 1911 and replaced with the 20 story City Hall Square building.
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