Location: 1612 S. Prairie (Old 815)
Occupants: James B. Goodman, Wilbur F. Studebaker, Charles P. Anderson
Life Span: 1868-
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1869-70
Goodman, Joseph, builder, rear 901 State, r. Prairie av. nr. 16th
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1870-71
Goodman, James B. (James Goodman & Co.), r. 815 Prairie av.
Edwards’ City of Chicago Directory for 1871
Goodman, Joseph builder, al. rear 899 State. r. 830 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1874
Goodman, Joseph capitalist, r. 830 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Studebaker, W. F. manager 158 Wabash av. house 1612 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1884
Studebaker, Wilbur F. manager 213 State, house 1612 Prairie av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1885
Studebaker, Wilbur F. manager 233 State, house 1612 Prairie av.
- 1612 S. Prairie Ave.
Chicago Tribune, February 22, 1884
The wedding of Miss Dora Louetta Studebaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Studebaker, of South Bend, Ind., and Mr. William Reynolds Innis, of New York City, occurred at 8 o’clock last evening in Grace Episcopal Chureh, on Wabash avenue, near Sixteenth street, and it was one of the most brilliant events of the season. An awning was stretched from the curbing to the church door, and across the street was a powerful calcium light shining upon the entrance. The interior of the edifice was beautifully festooned and decorated with plants and flowers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Clinton Locke, rector of the church. The bridesmaids were Miss Kate Innis, sister of the groom; Miss Grace Studebaker, sister of the bride; Miss Amanda Case, Miss Florence Spencer, and Miss Mildred French. Mr. G. H. Clark was the “best man,” and the ushers were Mr. F. O. Spencer, Mr. W. D. Walker, Mr. B. B. Lamb, and Mr. F. Farwell.
The bride was attired in a handsome bridal robe of corded white silk, with valenciennes lace and pearl ornaments.
Miss Innis, the first bridesmaid, wore a rich dress of white Ottoman silk, handsomely trimmed with lace, court train, and flowers. Each bridesmaid carried a floral muff.
At the chancel there was an immense floral gate of carnations and roses, and foliage plants were to be seen on every side. The church was filled with a large and fashionable gathering.
After the ceremony a reception was held from 8:30 until 11 o’clock at the residence of Mr. W. F. Studebaker, brother of the bride, at No. 1612 Prairie avenue. About 200 of the intimate friends and relatives of the young couple were present. The large residence was brilliantly illuminated, and every room was elaborately decorated with smilax and cut flowers. In the parlor the young couple received the congratulations of their friends, standing beneath a canopy of flowers, and the room itself was a perfect bower of flowers and plants. The presents were numerous and very elegant.
During the evening a large number of well-known society people in the city and a number of the prominent people of South Bend, Ind., were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Innis left last night for an extended tour through the South, and after their wedding tour they will take up their future residence in New York City.
Inter Ocean, January 2, 1887
Morning and night, a showy turnout is noticed before the squarely-built house, with the number 1612 over the portals. It is owned by Mr. W. P. Studebaker, one of the Studebaker Brothers, whose immense carriage-warehouse rears its head aloft upon Michigan avenue.
Chicago Tribune, March 11, 1905
Notoriety eclipsing even that she acquired recently in the divorce courts has come to Mrs. Catherine G. Brown, former wife of Charles E. Brown, 1612 Prairie avenue. Several angry women faced her in the Thirty-fifth street police court yesterday morning and denounced her as the woman who had blighted their homes and had led their husbands and sons astray.
“They are jealous,” was the prisoner’s only plea.
Last night the young woman, a year ago an honored wife of a wealthy man, was a prisoner under a fine of $85, which she could not pay. More serious charges than that of disorderly conduct, under which she was fined, confront her and will be heard by Justice Hurley this morning.
The case yesterday was remarkable. Beside the unruffled defendant and her four angry accusers were the men caught when the police raided the house at 3667 Wabash avenue, where Mrs. Brown has been living under the name of Kittie Casey, according to the police.
Young Wife Is Complainant.
Her arrest was made on a warrant secured by Mrs. Coral Smith, 3631 Cottage Grove avenue, who also had caused the arrest of her husband, Robert E. Smith, 22 years old, on a charge of abandonment. Smith, his wife charged, had deserted her to participate in the carousals at Mrs. Brown’s house in Wabash avenue. He was held to the Criminal court by Justice Hurley in $800 bonds. Mrs. C. H. Smith, the young husband’s mother, and his sister, Mrs. Anna Southwell, also appeared in court and accused Mrs. Brown of causing the downfall of Smith.
The other “men in the case” were Ray G. Grifin, 25 Thirty-third street, and Edward Knaust.
Both were frequent callers, the Police say, at Mrs. Brown s house. Against Griffin was a charge of disorderly conduct, preferred by his wife, Mrs. Ada Griffin. She denounced Mrs. Brown as the cause of all the trouble.
Justice Scores the Woman.
The hearing of the evidence soon aroused Justice Hurley and he scored the defendant severely, directing the police to take out other warrants against her. This was done at once, Mrs. Griffin being one of the complainants. One charge is keeping a disorderly house; the other is more serious.
When the complainants had made their statements the justice fined Mrs. Brown $85.
“I am penniless,” she said. “I cannot pay the fine.”
“Well,” said Justice Hurley, “if you haven’t got the money you will have to serve out the fine in the bridewell. But you will not be taken to the bridewell today. Two more charges have been preferred against you, and they will be heard tomorrow morning. In the meantime you will be held at the police station, unless you can secure money to pay the fine and a bondsman to insure your appearance in the other cases.”
Declares Affair Outrageous.
“If all the charges of these women are true and they all appear to be,” said Justice Hurley afterwards, “Mrs. Brown’s conduct has been outrageous. They charge that their sons and husbands frequented her house and took part in drunken orgies.
“Mrs. Smith declares that on one occasion she went to the house, searching for her husband, and found him with several other young men and Mrs. Brown. She declares Mrs. Brown was scantily clad and was dancing before her companions. She made other serious charges which are corroborated her fellow-complainants and witnesses.
“Mrs. Brown made no defense when she was arraigned, and she seemed little disturbed by the charges.
Thinks Men ‘Under a Spell.’
“The young men who were arrested appeared as if they were victims some strange influence. There was a peculiar look in each one’s eyes. I believe they were under a spell caused by this woman, who is a problem in humanity to me.”
As she sat in a police station cell last night Mrs. Brown had little to say of the case.
“It is all a mistake,” she said wearily. “I have committed no crimes nor misdemeanors. Everything will come out all right, I suppose. Why I should be under arrest I don’t know. It’s all because a woman is jealous of me, I guess.”
“Who is the woman you think is jealous of you?’ she was asked.
“Well, that doesn’t matter if you don’t already know,” she replied.
Besides the Wabash avenue house in which she was arrested, Mrs. Brown is said to have lived under assumed names at 3305 Cottage Grove avenue and at 3841 Vernon avenue.
Story of Divorce Case.
Mrs. Brown, who is 27 years old and the daughter of Gen. Graves, a wealthy resident of Buftalo, first attracted notoriety in May, 1904, when her husband filed a bill for divorce in the Circuit court, Mrs. Brown fought it vigorously.
By a court order issued by Judge Tuley Mrs. Brown was given possession of the residence, 1612 Prairie avenue, where she and her husband and their son had lived, and was granted temporary alimony amounting to $200 a month while the suit was pending. Habitual drunkenness and statutory charges were the grounds on which Mr. Brown sought legal separation from his wife.
In November Mr. Brown appeared in court and charged that his wife had conducted herself in a disgraceful manner, had been habitually intoxicated, and had done many “freakish” things, such as playing a violin in a broken automobile while a man pushed the machine along a public highway, and dancing about the rear of their home clothed only in a nightrobe.
He also charged her with receiving the attentions of E. C. Edsall, an automobile sales-
man. With Edsall, the husband charged, Mrs. Brown ran away to an eastern summer resort and later to New York City.
After a bitter fight Mr. Brown was granted a divorce about six weeks ago, and given possession of the Prairle avenue property, and the custody of the one son, Charles Edward Brown.
Chicago Tribune, March 14, 1905
Prairie-av. 1612 50.45×177.25. incumb. $16,500. March 8 (Chas. S. Brown to the Ry. Rev. Chas. Palmerston Anderson, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Chicago.
Inter Ocean, October 15, 1905
End Comes to Only Son of Late Millionnire Carriage Manufacturer.
Wilbur F. Studebaker, only son of the late Peter E. Studebaker, the millionaire carriage and wagon manufacturer, died in New York yesterday. Until six years ago he was a resident of and was widely known as an enthuslastic sportsman.
Mr. Studebaker, who was 49 years old, is survived by a widow and one child, who live in South Bend, Ind.
The body will be brought West and cremated. In Chicago Mr. Studebaker resided at 1612 Prairie avenue, and later at the Auditorium Annex. He was a member of the Union League and Chicago clubs.
- 1612 S. Prairie Ave.
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
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