Patrick Leary Cottage
Life Span: About 1863-1880
Location: DeKoven and Desplaines
Architect: TBD
Halpin & Bailey’s City Directory for the Year 1863-64
Leary Patrick, lab., h. n. s. DeKoven, nr. Jefferson.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870-71
Leary Patrick, lab., h. n. s. DeKoven.
Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1871
Leary Patrick, lab., r.137 DeKoven, nr. Jefferson.
- Later sources often refer to Patrick & Catherine Leary’s cottage as the “O’Leary” cottage. In all Pre-Fire directories, the family name was Leary.
- Symbolic of the general impression of pre-fire Chicago is the Leary cottage. This view was taken from the rear after the 1871 Fire.
- The Leary property, after the Fire. At the time, farm animals were commonly kept within city limits to provide their owners with fresh milk, butter, eggs, and other products to eat or sell. Photograph by Joseph Battersby.
- LEFT: 137 DeKoven Street
Original Leary cottage from a stereograph by J. H. Abbott (1871),
RIGHT: Three story brownstone built in 1880
- 137 DeKoven Street
Robinson Fire Map
- 558 DeKoven Street
Chicago Fire Academy
Apple Maps
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