Porter Block, Lansing Hotel
Life Span: 1875-1899
Location: Northwest Corner Clark and Adams Streets
Architect: John M. Van Osdel
Rand McNally’s Bird’s Eye Views of Chicago, 1893
The Porter Block
Has 100 feet front on Clark Street and 80 feet on Adams, at the northwest corner. It is 75 feet high, with 4 stories and basement, containing 6 stores and 40 offices. It is occupied by railway ticket offices, agents, and physicians; was erected in 1873.
Porter Block
John M. Van Osdel Ledger
Porter Block
Robinson’s Fire Maps
Porter Block
Greeley-Carlson Company’s Atlas of Chicago
Inter Ocean, March 24, 1899
Marshall Field & Co. took out a permit yesterday form the erection of a ten-story brick store and office building, at the northwest corner of Clark and Adams streets. The cost specified is $700,000.
This building has been under consideration for some time. D. H. Burnham & Co. have drawn the plans. The frontage on Adams street is practically 180 feet. To increase the area on which the new building stand, Mr. Field purchased the ground in Nos. 133 and 135 Adams street, 41½x99 feet, for $200,000. This was the rate of $4,819 a front foot. From T. J. Lefens, trustee, Mr. Field purchased the leasehold interest and building known as the Lansing hotel. This is seven stories high, and of brick and stone. It will be torn down. The value of the property, as set by the tax commission, is $253,840, of which $197,120 is in the land, and $56,720 in the building.
This improvement, with that projected by the Chicago Edison company, at Nos. 137 to 141 Adams street, will make tghis block one of the most notable in the city.
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