Lincoln House
Life Span: Abt 1866-TBD
Location: 27 and 29 W Randolph street, NE corner Canal and Randolph streets
Architect: John M. Van Osdel
Chicago Tribune, November 10, 1866
Raising and improving the Lincoln House, four stories, $6,000.
Chicago Evening Post, December 13, 1866
Fatal Accident.—Last night, about ten o’clock, as James R. Stewart, an elderly man and workman in the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, was stepping out of a saloon in the Lincoln House, corner of Randolph and Canal streets, he missed his footing, fell to the cellar below, a distance of about twelve feet, and was instantly killed. The building had been recently raised, and the jack-screws and planks used had been left in the cellar. An inquest was held this morning on the body, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts—the jury, however, severely censuring the careless and unsafe condition in which the sidewalk had been left.
Lincoln House
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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