- Frank S. Butler
Lake Sullivan Docks, Toledo, Ohio
The tug Frank S. Butler (US No. 9200) was launched in the spring of 1865 and her first enrollment papers were made on May 6, 1865. Other than the basic specifications and a few incidents reported, not much else is known about her. She was named after Frank S. Butler, who also owned the A. B. Ward which blew up on August 20, 1881 and nearly killed him.
Chicago Evening Post, June 21, 1869
The tug Butler, the propeller Ira Chaffee and the propeller New Era are all receiving new wheels in Doolittle & Bates’s dry dock.
The tug Butler was badly crushed by the 256 ton steambarge Swallow (US No. 115184) against the piers of the Rush-st bridge on 23 June 1883. She was taken to a drydock.
The tug was owned by A. Q. Thacker of Toledo, Ohio in 1913.
She was abandoned at Oswego, NY in 1922. Her last enrollment was 19 Nov 1913.
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