Michigan Stove Works
Life Span: 1890-TBD
Location: Clinton, between Van Buren and Harrison
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1904
Michigan Stove Company (The), Robert L Morley mngr 256 to 262 Clinton
Chicago Tribune, August 31, 1890
The New Chicago Home of the Michigan Stove Company.
Inéreased business necessitates increased facilities. The enormous demands and sales of “Garland Stoves and Ranges” has compelled the Michigan Stove Company to seek more commodious quarters. Chicagoans will find their new stores, offices and warehouses on Clinton street, between Van Buren and Harrison, fitted up in a style of elegance and grandeur unsurpassed in any other city in the world.
In their new location they have storage capacity for 60,000 stoves and provision is made for teams to drive into the building-ten teams can be loaded or unloaded at one time under cover.
This company manufactures over 700 varieties of Garland Stoves and Ranges, which are universally conceded in the world’s best.
- Michigan Stove Works
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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