Occupants: William G. Hibbard, American Terra Cotta Company
Location: 1616 S. Prairie
Life Span: 1883-
Lakeside Directory for the City of Chicago for the Year of 1884
Stirling, William R., Joliet steel co. D, Honore bldg. house 1616 Prairie av.
Lakeside Directory for the City of Chicago for the Year of 1885
Stirling, William R., Joliet steel co. D, Honore bldg. house 1616 Prairie av.
Chicago Telephone Directory, 1892
Stirling W. R. 1616 Prairie av. . . South-363
Chicago Tribune, April 6, 1883
The following building permit was issued to W. G. Hibbard, for a two-story dwelling, 24 by 80 feet, at No. 1616 Prairie avenue, to cost $1,500.
Inter Ocean, January 2, 1887
Among the millionaires, Mr. William R. Stirling, the treasurer of the Joliet Steel Company, received No. 1616 and its furnishings from his model father-in-law, Mr. William G. Hibbard. At No, 1638 is another son-in-law of Mr. Hibbard’s, R. R. Gregory, Esq., who has many substantial reasons for remembering the generosity of the large-hearted hardware merchant when he enters his English cottage.
- 1616 S. Prairie
Robinson Fire Insurance Map
A Great Grandmother Remembers, Addie Hubbard Gregory, 1940
As we six Hibbard children were married, my father built or bought homes for all of us near his home in Prairie avenue or near by at Calumet and Eighteenth street. The linoleum block print on page 109 will show you the locations of these homes, and of others contemporary with them.
- Hibbardville
Mrs. Robert B. Gregory, Mrs. John Buckingham, Mrs. William R. Sterling, Mrs. W. E. Casselberry, and Frank and William G. Hibbard Jr..
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