31 The Marvelous Type Setting Machines
The printing industry has passed through a wonderful evolution within the past twenty years. The methods in use today in the manufacture of all sorts of printed matter are radically different from those employed even ten years ago. The hand compositor, the man who set type ever since printing was invented, has to a large extent given way to automatic machines which do this work much more rapidly and more satisfactorily than it can be done by hand. The Linotype Machine, which sets type in solid lines, and the various type casting machines for making single type, all find their uses in a printing plant like ours. One of the best of the type making machines is shown in actual operation on the other side of this card.
Nothing can be more fascinating than the operation of these automatic machines; they display almost human intelligence and the observer can readily believe that their gradual evolution from the first ideas of fifty years ago has cost millions of dollars in money and the undivided energies of hundreds of ingenious inventors. It is only by making use of every aid, such as these wonderful type setting and type casting machines, that we are enabled to produce such a tremendous work as our 1200-page catalogue twice a year, containing the latest novelties up to the very day of publication.
Linotype Machine
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