25 Writing Letters to Customers
The General Correspondence Department handles practically all inquiries from the customer and any correspondence that may be necessary on shipments made directly from our Chicago house, including letters regarding delay or damage in transportation , etc. This department handles about seven thousand inquiries and letters of all kinds every working day.
If the customer finds that some article has been omitted from his shipment or damaged by the transportation company in handling, the Correspondence Department inspects the records in the case and takes the necessary action to give the customer whatever adjustment may be due him.
In the Adjustment Inspection Department, which is an annex to the General Correspondence Department and is located in another room not shown in the picture, all of these adjustments are carefully inspected to see that both the house and the customer are treated fairly.
The volume of mail handled throughout Sears, Roebuck & Co’s. great mercantile institution in the course of a day is simply enormous; and some idea of the number of people required to handle this correspondence with our customers may be obtained from this picture which illustrates just cine of several departments handling letters from our customers. We have a lively appreciation of the fact that every customer’s idea of us is
obtained almost entirely from the letters received from us, and it is therefore our endeavor to secure the services of high class men and women that our policies of dealing with the greatest liberality with our customers and in a spirit of fairness in every case may be properly carried out
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