Lobby of the Administration Building
Visitors to the great plant of Sears, Roebuck & Co. invariably comment on the great beauty of the several buildings—their striking architecture; and undoubtedly our Administration Building is one of the most perfect examples of modern architecture of our time. Its most striking exterior feature is the general entrance on Harvard Street shown in another view. The picture on this card is a view of the lobby just after passing through the door of the great entrance and it is a most beautiful lobby. The floors are marble, the wainscoting is marble, and it is lighted by great windows of plate glass during the daytime, and by great clusters of electric lights showing through opalescent glass in the ceiling at night. The stairway in the picture leads up to the main floor occupied by the Executive Offices and some of the major clerical departments; while to the left and right of this main stairway, marble steps lead to the basement in which is located the main dining room. In quiet elegance we doubt whether this lobby is excelled in any building in the City of Chicago.
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