Automatic Machines in the Grocery Department
We operate the largest retail grocery store in the world, and we have built up our enormous business by supplying our customers with uniformly highest quality groceries at the lowest possible prices. Our business in food stuffs has grown very rapIdly in recent years, and since it has grown to such a large volume, we have found it advantageous to become manufacturers of a great majority of the lines sold by us; and in still other lines we have become importers or have arranged with the producers to take their entire product. This has had the effect of largely reducing the cost of the merchandise to us and these large savings we have given to our customers in the form of lower prices. We have employed one of the best chemists to inspect all the food stuffs sold by us, and everything we sel! conforms to the highest government standard. In addition to quality, we are very particular that every article which is sold by weight or measure shall be full weight and full measure; and to that end, we have installed in our grocery department the most up to date machinery for automatically weighing and measuring and wrapping all those lines of goods which are sold by weight or measure. The picture on the other side gives you a view of a few of these machines. They are operated by electricity, and they are so carefully adjusted that it is a practical impossibility for them to give a wrong weight or a wrong measure. The great bins overhead are filled with rice, or coffee, or tea, or whatever the product may be that we are putting up that particular day, and the speed of the operator in placing the empty sack and taking away the filled receptacle is the only thing which places any limitation on the output of these machines. Another decided advantage which automatic machines give us and every other dealer is that the merchandise is not handled by the individual clerks; it is passed through serupulouslv clean and sanitary machines, so that it comes to you pure and wholesome, without the possibility of taint or dirt coming in contact with what you buy from us. The heavier articles such as rice, beans, etc., which are put up in large cloth sacks, pass from the weighing machine to the bag sewing machine to the left of this picture, a machine which is installed because it does a strictly first class job and does it so much faster than even an army of girls could do it.
Sears 1899 Fall Catalog
Sears 1914 Fall Catalog
Views From Our Grocery Building
Cereal weighing machines, coffee roasting machines, and packing sugar sacks in cartons. Our Grocery Department is a big institution in itself, occupying seven acres of floor space. From this department are shipped more than three thousand carloads of groceries per year.
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