The Railroad Yards
One of the very first considerations with us in choosing the location for our new merchandise plant was that of the location where transportation faciUties would be unsurpassed, and picture will give you some idea of why we found it necessary to secure the very best railroad facilities to be had in the City of Chicago. The volume of our shipments by freight, by express. and by mail is so great that no single railway line would be able to give us adequate service. In locating on the Chicago Terminal Transfer Railway we are brought in touch With every railway line but two which enters the City of Chicago, and the railway companies, appreciating our needs, have certainly given us unexcelled facilities both for receiving and for shipping merchandise: The stereoscopic view herewith is a glance across our railway yards adjoining the premises looking toward the Merchandise Building. On this side of this great structure we receive merchandise only, all shipping being done from the other end of the building. Engines and train crews are busy in these yards night and day handling the cars necessary to the successful prosecution of our business.
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