Sunken Garden, with the Merchandise Building in the Distance
As far as the camera’s lens pictures detail in this view you see the property of Sears, Roebuck & Co. This picture was taken from the eastern end of the Sunken Garden. Before you are the great ornamental beds of potted plants, and just beyond is the lake with the great fountains playing in the sunlight; to the right the Pergola; to the left in the distance the great Merchandise Building. It is to be regretted that you cannot see this wonderful picture in all its beauty of color and contrast. We regret that it has not been possible for us to portray these scenes in and around our plant by the wonderful new process of color photography, and we especially regret that this particular picture could not be produced in colors by this process. Brilliant and attractive spots of the character of our gardens are few and far between in a great city like Chicago; and if you ever visit our institution and happen to be present at the noon hour when our thousands of employees leave their departmental work for luncheon and a little time in the open air, you will realize what this garden with its wealth of trees and shrubs, and flowers and vines, means to this great army of city men and women, many of whom live in flat buildings with neither front nor back yards and not a spear of green grass or a flower to greet the eye in any direction.
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