Beaurivage Bachelor Apartments, Victoria Hotel
Life Span: 1875-1908
Location: S. Michigan and East Van Buren Streets
Architect: TBD
- Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1880
Beaurivage Building, 194 Michigan av.
Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1904
Hotel Victoria hotel co props 194 Michigan av
Beaurivage Bachelor Apartments as the Victoria Hotel, 1900
At the northwest corner of S. Michigan avenue and E. Van Buren street, on the site of the present McCormick building, was known formerly as the Beaurivage Bachelor Apartments. It was six stories and one basement high.
It was one of the first “French Flat” buildings in the city, essentially luxury apartments. It burned in 1882 and was rebuilt. In 1892 it was remodeled into the Victoria Hotel. It was demolished in 1908.
- Van Buren Street from Michigan Avenue
- Beaurivage Bachelor Apartments
- Victoria Hotel
- Beaurivage Bachelor Apartments
NW Corner of Michigan and Adams Streets
Robinson Fire Map
- Victoria Hotel
NW Corner of Michigan and Adams Streets
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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