Stein’s City of Paris
Life Span: 1868-1871
Location: No. 83 Clark Street
- Edwards’ Annual Directory in the City of Chicago, for 1870
Stein E. H. dollar store, 83 Clark, r. 69 same
Chicago Tribune, May 13, 1868
The City of Paris.
The greatest success seems to attend Mr. E. H. Stein in his new and grand enterprise, his magnificent bazaar, “The City of Paris,” at No. 83 Clark street. From the time of its opening, the rush of customers and visitors has continued unabated, crowding the spacious interior, day and night, to its utmost capacity. In fitting up this emporium of all that can attract the eye of the lover of the beautiful, Mr. Stein sought to secure the finest and choicest of such varieties, as should be in greaqtest demand, at prices which would enable him to offer them to his patrons at rates as reasonable as those which have made him hitherto so popular. With this view he applied directly to the manufactures, obtained his gems at first price, and now offers them to the public at rates which may well be deemed astonishing, as they are diverted of all intermediate profits between maker and dealer. His establishment will well repay a visit. It is stocked with the richest, most elegant and attractive goods.
There are diamonds and precious stones in profusion, the latest varieties of jewelry, articles designed to adorn and decorate a parlor or drawing room, stationery, pictures, etc., etc. This stock is contained in a casket whose interior is in keeping. A view of the establishment discloses a deep, lofty and spacious hall, whose walls are hung with the wealth of art, and along whose sides extend show cases filled with the splendid articles briefly alluded to above. Henceforth Stein’s bazaar will be one of the chief objects of interest to the visitor to Chicago.
- Stein’s “The City of Paris”
The Land-Owner
July, 1870
Chicago Handbook, A Complete Guide for Strangers and Tourists, 1869
in miniature, can be seen by the visitor to Chicago at Stein’s unique and elegant bazaar, No. 83 South Clark street. The collection of fancy goods, toys, and elegant ornaments he keeps in stock in this beautiful bazaar is wonderful and well worth seeing. It is bewildering to both mind and eye to see the thousand and one useful and ornamental articles you are invited to select from for one dollar. Stein’s Bazaar, 83 South Clark street, is one of the institutions of Chicago, and, like many other of her institutions, must be seen before it can be appreciated.
- City of Paris
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
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