The Daily Chicago American was issued from the office of the Weekly Chicago American, by William Stuart, on 9 April 1839, in the third story of Harmon & Loomis’s building, at the corner of Clark and South Water streets, and was the first daily newspaper issued in Chicago, and in Illinois. The size of the paper was 11″ x 16¾”. On 20 December 1839, the American was issued as an evening paper. 13 May 1840, the editor was fined $100 by Judge John Pearson, of the Circuit Court, for contempt. 28 July 1841, William Stuart was appointed Postmaster, and relinquished his editorial work here. On 9 October of the same year, Alexander Stuart became proprietor, with W. W. Bracket, editor. Mr. Beckett retired, and on 18 October 1842. the Daily American ceased.
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