Chicago Evening Post, May 29, 1868
By a recent law of Congress it is required that every vessel in the United States after the first of July next shall bear a number to be assigned by the Government, after which time the customs officers are prohibited from issuing any marine papers to any vessel not so numbered. This number must be put on the main beam under the forward side of the main hatch. The length of each figure must be at least three inches. On vessels whose main beam is of wood, it must be either carved or branded, in either case not less than three-eighths of an inch, nor more than half an inch in depth. Where the main beam is of iron or other metal, it must be put on in oil paint—white if the beam is black, and black if the beam is of any other color. The shape and style must be that of a plain block Arabic numeral—that is a figure with its lines all the same size, and, without fine, or what is called hair lines.
We give below the names, number and tonnage of crafts registered at this port to be as follows:
Steam vessels, 57; schooners, 253; barks, 42; scows, 36; brigs, 13; barges, 3ö—total, 403.
The list of steam crafts is as follows:
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