Gunther’s Confectionery Building, Kesner Building, 214 S. State Building
Life Span: 1887-Present
Location: 212 State Street Street (214 S State today)
Architect:: C. M. Palmer
Gunther’s Confectionery
Chicago Tribune, May 15, 1887
Unbeknown to the public at large, Sir. Charles F. Gunther, the confectioner, has for the past year been engaged in building a magnificent six-story confectionery establishment, practically fire proof, and supplied with all modern improvements. The building is of unique and original design, and is located at No. 212 State street. Mr. C. M. Palmer, the well-known architect, made the plans, and that they reflect credit upon his genius all will admit.
This beautiful store, which in its interior decorations surpasses anything overseen in this country, will be open Wednesday for business, and Mr. Gunther extends a cordial invitation to his numerous customers and friends to call and inspect the new palace, a description of whose beauties, in the way of artistic decorations, will be found below.
The building is arranged for a manufactory and salesroom for Gunther’s celebrated candies, and in the basement are located the appliances for making ice-cream, ices, and soda water. The first and second stories are devoted to the retail trade, and here will be found every possible convenience for the buyer, together with the choicest creations of the confectioner’s laboratory.
acanthus leaf, of which the panels and cornices are formed. The clustered lights, which are unique in design, are placed along the sides of the room, so that their rays are thrown directly across the ceiling, giving a most beautiful effect. This ceiling would do honor to the Vatican at Rome, so celebrated for its magnificent work of this kind.
The materials used in decorating are onyx, jasper, agates and Lisbon marbles, and hand cut glass in all the delicate lemon shades.
The side wall of the room is ornamented with 2,000 feet of plate-glass mirrors, so tastefully broken with brass lines and toned down by the soft colors of the surroundings that there is none of the loud or vulgar effect so frequently produced by this class of decoration. The harmony is so perfect that they simply serve to attract the visitor’s attention by reflecting the beautiful lights of the ceiling, instead of blinding him with a blaze of garish light.
The grand staircase at the west end of the room and its magnificent stained-glass window are also triumphs of artistic taste. The staircase leads to the upper floor of the building, and is not surpassed by anything in Paris, that city of grand staircases and regal magnificence. The steps are of the choicest rose-colored marble, broad and low, with gold-tinted and enameled panels and railings. On the sides are handsome Italian arches, draped in mottled silk plush, and on the newel posts large, polished brass figures hold tapers that, when lighted, add to the beauty of the scene. The staircase is illuminated by a magnificent stained-glass window, containing 500 square feet of hand-cut glass, with polished jewels, a most pleasing feature of this thoroughly artistic work. The broad flood of soft light that streams in through this window spreads far into the building, greatly enhancing the general effect. From the first landing of the stairs the visitor obtains a superb view of the store in all its exquisite beauty. This is the point of vantage and it will unquestionably be sought by all who enter this novel place of business and who have an eye for beautiful effects. The vista is not dazzling in its brilliancy, but it is nevertheless brilliant. The massing of light and shade and the soft coloring stand out prominently and make the view one of surpassing loveliness.
Gold leaf has been used throughout (no bronze) in the work, and the painting is all in oil, so that it can be washed like marble. The woodwork is of polished and enameled holly, in all its different tints, and the counter tops and bases are of the rose-colored marble. The mirror plates were manufactured in Paris expressly for this store, and are of the purest crystal glass, with polished brass moldings separating and keeping them in place, an original and decidedly pleasing feature.
The furnishing of the store is in full keeping with the adornment. The upholstering is of rich silk velvet, and the shelves and cases of the neatest and most convenient kind. On the south wall are a series of handsome cases, of the polished wood and plate-glass, in which there is an abundance of the choicest of Parisian confectionery, and nearer the door on the same side is the soda fountain, which was built in Boston expressly for Mr. Gunther by Puffer & Son. It is one of the largest fountains ever built, and will flow with “milk and honey.” It is of the rose-colored onyx and jasper marble, inlaid with gold, which is such a distinguishing feature of the decoration and adds to the ensemble in no small degree. On the north side and in front of the mirror-plates were a number of gracefully-contrived beautiful pyramids for holding candies of various kinds. The pyramids are so nicely arranged that they do not in any way interfere with the effect of the plate-glass surface. On this side of the room, too, and further to the rear, are three stained-glass windows, which open out on a small court. They were essential to the proper lighting of the store and Mr. Gunther readily paid a large sum of money for the area in order that the effect of the beautiful work should not be spoiled for lack of light. These windows are of the same quality of glass as the grand staircase window and of remarkable beauty.
Gunther’s Confectionery
Mr. Gunther’s selection of Mr. Bates to do the decorating for his new store was a most happy one, and the selection of the Italian Renaissance as the style best suited to the work, was happier still. It is an indisputable fact that never before in this country has such a combination of materials been brought together in such a grand harmony of design in coloring and form, and it is only by bringing these two essentials together with the nicest adjustment that the most pleasing result can be obtained. The design which has been chosen is especially adapted, in its light and play of lines and unique character of expression, to the business of Mr. Gunther. It is a noticeable feature of all this artist’s work, that he readily adopts his drawings and decorations to the kind of business for which the place is to be used. The elegant store of Streeter Bros., on Madison street, which will be noticed further hereafter, is an example of this quality of his work.
It must be remembered, in this connection, however, that Mr. Bates had in Mr. Gunther a client seldom to be met with—a man never willing to sacrifice a good thing to hasty construction, but always patient and considerate, and willing to have every detail worked out in its purest thought and feelings. The designer is to be congratulated upon his success in accomplishing such a work of artistic merit, and Chicago will unquestionably be proud of Mr. Bates’ best effort.
Chicago by Day and Night. The Pleasure Seekers Guide. Thomas and Zimmerman, 1891
Coming to the consideration of candy, confectionery, and fine fruits, the name of Charles Gunther first challenges attention. The Gunther store, 212 State street, is without doubt one of the sights of the city, containing, as it does, in addition to the regular stock-in-trade, the Gunther museum, which the proprietor has spent the best years of his life in collecting. The museum embraces curios of all sorts and some of them are of great value. The entire collection is worth a fabulous amount and there is a well-defined impression abroad that the owner intends to give it to the city some day. The furnishings of the Gunther store are magnificent. Tall mirrors reflect the customer’s shape at every step. The rear part of two floors is dotted with tables, at which iced drinks, ice cream, and light luncheons are served. Whether with a view of purchase or not, the store will well repay a visit. Gunther’s candy is advertised the country over, and the concern enjoys an enormous out-of-town trade.
Chicago Tribune, May 22, 1909
After an active career of forty-one years Charles F. Gunther has retired from the retail candy business. The final steps to this end were taken yesterday when Mr. Gunther sold the stock, fixtures, machinery, and the six story building at 212 state street, which he has occupied with his business since 1888, to Jacob L. Kesner. manager of the Fair, and leased the ground underneath the building to Mr. Kesner for a term, of ninety-nine years.
Retains Other Interests.
Mr. Kesner will take possession today and Mr. Gunther will step down and out, so far as any proprietary interest is concerned. but he will remain about the store for some time to acquaint the new management with the various details of the business. He declared he would have his time well taken up with his wholesale candy business and the historical and other associations with which he is connected.
He declared, however, that he would have his time well taken up with his wholesale candy business and the historical and other associations with which he is connected. For the six story and basement building Mr. Kesner pays $40,000, and for the ground underneath it he is to pay a net annual rent of $20,000, which is 4 per cent on $500,000. The lot fronts between 29 and 36 feet, with a depth of 145 feet, but it is irregular in shape. being broader in the rear, and contains nearly 5,000 square feet.
Price Regarded as Low.
This makes the lease on the basis of 4 per cent or about $1441 a square foot, regarded by real estate men as a low figure when other recent transactions in that part of State street are cimsidered. The price for the stock. fixtures, etc., will be determined by appraisal. Mr. Kesner was represented in the transaction by Edward N. D’Ancona, while John C. Eichberg represented Mr. Gunther.
Mr. Gunther made his beginning in the candy business in in 1868.
Chicago Tribune, May 14, 1913
Building Permits.
214 S. State-st., 6-story brick, interior alterations J. L. Kesner, Kesner building; Jennie, Mundle & Jensen, arch.; Gerhardt F. Meynem mason and carp. $8,000
Inter Ocean, June 8, 1913
Consolidation With Knickerbocker and City Fuel Corporations Effected Without Any Delays.
The entire twentieth and twenty-first floors of the new Consumers’ building at State and Quincy streets is now occupied by the Consumers’ company, which is the consolidation of the Knickerbocker Ice, City Fuel and Consumers’ companies. The task of transferring the office organizations of the companies was accomplished without any apparent hitch in the service to customers. The. new Consumers building is the latest addition to that part of State street where recently several modern and larger structures have taken the place of older and less pretentious buildings. It was erected at a cost of $1,500,000 and is said to be equipped with every modern convenience in office building construction.
Chicago Tribune, July 9, 1913
Cigar Dealers Claim Nearby Building Construction Forced Public to Leave Sidewalk for Street.
Charging that their business has been injured during the construction of the Consumers building at South State and Quincy streets, Le Vine & Co., cigar dealers of 214 South State street, filed suit in Superior court yesterday for $20,000 damages against Jacob L. Kesner of 5 North Wabash avenue, owner of the building. The Le Vine company states that during the construction of the Consumers building last winter a wooden shed was built over the sidewalk, forcing people to pass out in the street at that point. As their store adjoins the Consumers building, then under construction. it is claimed that the patronage of the store fell off considerably because of the blockading of the sidewalk.
Chicago Tribune, March 28, 1923
Truly Warner Leases South State Hat Shop.
Truly Warner, operator of a national chain of hat stores, has leased from Samuel and A. J. Cooper the first, second and third floors of the four story building at 214 South State street, just north of the Consumers building, for a little over ten years at a term rental of approximately $230,000. The first and second floors will be used for a sale of hats and the third floor for office and stock room. It will be remodeled inside and out, making it practically a replica of the New York store at 42d and 5th avenue. There are two other Chicago Truly Warner stores. Mark Levy & Brother represented all parties. Sonenschien, Berkson, Lautmann & Levinson were attorneys.
Chicago Tribune, March 10, 1946
Jewelers Rent Four Story Building at 214 S. State St.
Martin Jewelers yesterday leased the four story building, 20 by 100 feet, at 214-16 S. State St., from the Trust Company of Chicago, trustee. for 15 years at a minimum guaranteed term rental of $3i,000 plus a percentage of gross business.
The property will be remodeled beginning Sept. 1 by the lessee, who will occupy all of it. In addition to jewelry, radios and household electric equipment will be sold. Louis R. Cerf and the Iark Levy Realty company were brokers.
Gunther’s Confectionery
212 State Street
Greeley Carlson Atlas of Chicago
214 State Street
Ross & Browne Real Estate Map
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