Bohemian Brewing Company, Atlas Brewing Co., Atlas Beverage Co.
Life Span: 1891-TBD
Location: 684 to 706 Blue Island avenue, corner Twenty-first street
Architect: NA
Inter Ocean, December 22, 1891
The Bohemian Brewing Company had an opening reception yesterday at their new and splendidly equipped brewery, Nos. 684 to 706 Blue Island avenue, corner Twenty-first street, when, from 2 until 7 p. m. a constant stream of visitors from all over the city inspected it. Chicago has at last a brewery which makes a pure malt and hop Bohemian Pilsener beer equal to the best imported Bohemian Pilsener, with all its characteristics of body and flavor. They do not intend to compete with the concerns making inferior beer at cheap prices, but, making the best as they do, to charge a fair price. In the spring they will commence bottling, and have already received heavy orders. The officers are well-known West Siders, John Kralovec being president, Charles Vopicka vice president and secretary, and Otto Kubin treasurer.
Chicago Chronicle, January 1, 1897
The Atlas Brewing Company,
Which has built up an excellent business since its establishment in 1889, is one of the best equipped breweries in Chicago. Its annual capacity is 150,000 barrels. The popular brands of its brewing are the “Genuine Bohemian Lager,” “Granat,” “Pilsen.” Still another brand, which will not have its equal in its high grade qualities, will be put on the market this year. The offers are Charles J. Vopicka, president; Otto Kubin, secretary and treasurer,
Inter Ocean, January 1, 1902
Atlas Brewing Company.
Few of the Chicago breweries have had such a prosperous year as the Atlas BrewIng company of 680 to 706 Blue Island avo. nue, which under the capable administration of President Charles J. Vopicka increased Its output to such a gratifying extent that the management was compelled to increase its storage capacity considerably.
Otto Kubin, secretary and treasurer of the Atlas Brewing company, reports an increased demand for the firm’s product among the out-of-town trade, which has reached al. most twice its former proportions. During the past season the Atlas Brewing company made a decided hit with its tonic specialty, manufactured from pure malt, hops, and pepsin, and which has become exceedingly popular under the name of “Pettomaltine.
The Atlas Brewing company Is equipped with all the latest improved machinery necessary for manufacturing the high-class products which aro making the company’s output justly popular, and the management is more than pleased to have interested vis. itors examine the complete plant and ob. serve what care and Ingredients are employed in the manufacture of its product.
1914 Atlas Brewing Company
Prohibition Era
Atlas Beverage Company produced a series of beautiful advertisements to promote their beer during the prohibition years.
Atlas Dry
Atlas Beverage Company
Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1920
Atlas Special Brew
Atlas Beverage Company
November 3, 1929
Atlas Special Brew
Atlas Beverage Company
Chicago Tribune
July 2, 1933
Atlas Special Brew
Atlas Beverage Company
Atlas Special Brew
Atlas Beverage Company
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