F. J. Dewe’s Brewery Co.
Life Span: 1882-TBD
Location: Corner of Hoyne Avenue and Rice street
Architect: NA
Chicago and Its Resources Twenty Years After, 1871-1891, The Chicago Times Company, 1891
F. J. Dewe’s Brewery Co., corner of Hoyne Avenue and Rice street. This well-known brewery has been in successful operation since 1882. During that time its beer has taken high rank, second to none of Chicago’s famous breweries. The accompanying portrait is a correct likeness of F.J. Dewes the well-known head of the house, who has been long and favorably known to the trade. The popular device of the brewery is “Hoppenund Malz Gotterhalt,” (Hops and Malt may God preserve.) The special brand of the Dewes Brewery, the “Muenchener” beer was introduced in 1889, as a beverage particularly adapted to domestic purposes. Following the example of the celebrated Jacobson brewery, of Copenhagen, Denmark, an establishment known the world over, the Dewes Brewery has first introduced in Chicago the method “Hansen” to produce absolutely pure yeast. The output of this brewery this year will be 50,000 barrels, and in the very near future the capacity will be doubled, in order to meet the greatly increasing demands of the trade.
F. J. Dewe’s Brewery Co.
Corner of Hoyne Avenue and Rice street
Robinson’s Fire Map
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